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You have also done the "star chasing" life in Dahua 2!

Star chasing is a national sport. Young people chase young fresh meat, middle-aged people chase powerful uncles, and the older people also chase some famous celebrities. In short, there will be people they enjoy and like in this life, and they will tirelessly pay attention to and pursue this.

The same is true for playing games. Over the past two years, countless idols and celebrities have been born in the game. They have attracted the attention of people and attracted the attention of the public. Therefore, I have chased many of them.

What I want to share with you today is my experience of "chasing stars" over the years. Do you have the same experience as me?

When I first entered the idol pit, I chased the god

The first time I started chasing stars, without exception, I started from the god, chasing those peerless equipment that blinded my eyes, chasing those top quality babies that shook my heart, and even chasing the hidden experts behind these materials.

My first star chasing experience dates back to 13 years ago.

Now it is said that stone eggs are the national idol. I have seen his excellence since a few years ago, but my idol was not him at that time, because he was far away from my life after all. What I admire is the owner of the largest Internet cafe in the city.

At the beginning of this century, the three turn stone egg was already an idol figure, which was recorded in the book by players with extremely high praise:

Say back to the Internet cafe boss, let's call him the boss for short! That really is the absolute fanatical fan of Dahua 2. From one person entering the game to establishing a gang, and this gang is almost all offline players. There are 20 to 30 machines in the Internet cafes all year round that serve this gang. Our gang members do not only charge for accessing the Internet, but everyone also has mineral water and snacks from time to time.

The boss was the leader of the gang who responded to all the calls. At that time, it must be a man's role in the big talk. Of course, the boss's choice was also a man, and he was a very rare white haired man in the eyes of half boys. He was handsome, quite handsome!

What was most talked about at that time was the boss's resistance of "three resistances over one hundred", which was extremely rare in the local area. There were only a few pieces of equipment with resistance. It was very difficult to want to have three resistances over one hundred. I believe those who have experienced that period will understand. With this alone, the boss is at least unparalleled in our city.

The whole gang is almost serving him alone. Whoever gets a man's magic weapon must be in his hands at the first time, and will not stop until he reaches the fifth level Later, in order to be a good weapon, we used crazy means to dominate stars, block upgrade points, kill people, etc. It is not too much to say that one person grabbed half of the server's resources.

I didn't know anything about the world when I was young. The Internet cafe owner is my first idol, and I think he is very powerful until now.

Playing games like this is an outstanding player in an era.

Later, when I saw the so-called "gods" in the game, how many of them could dominate one server? It's better than stone eggs. Last year, there was a gloomy end to the sword and candle fight. What I missed most at that time was the owner of the Internet cafe that I hadn't seen for many years.

If it were him, I don't know what the whole server would look like.

Growing up, I'm after an ideal idol

After the memory came to 2009, a male player from the server where I was at that time let me enter a big hole.

This person is called Brotherly Love. He is a three turn carefree student with very common equipment, but he is proud of the whole server in the "one-on-one" game.

This single fight mode has existed since the day when Dahua 2 existed, but it may have been short-sighted before, and did not notice that the players who regard this play as their main business also devoted themselves to equipment, attributes and babies make There are too many common numbers.

In my memory, the first time I saw the forging method of French gold was from him:

At that time, the baby had no skills, no awakening, and could only be ingenious in the way of adding points. There was no denying that the players of Dahua 2 were very intelligent.

He was equipped with a civilian baby, but he played solo in the whole district group. I also followed his footsteps and played solo with men for a period of time, but I don't know whether it was talent or luck. After fighting for his life, he was only at the middle end of the server. After being abused by male ghosts, female demons, male demons, and even immortals, Finally, on a crisp autumn afternoon, he gave up his solo dream and became a simple onlooker.

However, this has not reduced my passion for chasing stars. I may not be able to name a few stars in reality, but for the great gods in the single world, such as handsome boy, misty husband, winter, hand of God, Gu Pochuan, and Takeshi Kaneshiro, they are all familiar with each other. I watched every video of them hungrily, which is a great enjoyment and fun for me.

I admire those people who play solo. There was no official large-scale event in this game at the beginning. They held their own games and even took out expensive prizes. I still remember that in a single contest, the first prize was the fifth level immortal weapon, and the second prize was the big one Waves wash sand The third place is the fourth level lotus root silk. In the age when the sixth level was not yet available, what an amazing reward!

But in the process of watching the game, I learned that this group of people did not participate in the game for money, nor for the sake of becoming famous all over the world. Each of them is a fan of this game, just because of love.

They are eager to have equal opponents, and their tactics can be proved. No one will pay attention to the victory or defeat of a battle. What they are seeking is to communicate with their peers.

I am so obsessed with a game and a certain way of playing a game. In my long gaming career, the one-on-one group in Dahua 2 is the only one in my life.

It's a great blessing to find such a group of people and chase such a group of people. It's also one of the reasons why I still stick to Dahua 2 for a long time, even though there are countless new game temptations outside.

Now they are the stars I chase

I have seen the great gods who call the wind and call the rain, and the hard and tenacious persistent figures. Over the years, with the growth of age, the mentality has changed a lot.

The times are progressing and the game rhythm is accelerating, but there are still many old people like me in Dahua 2. They have changed from their impulsiveness and impatience when they were young to the appearance of playing games slowly and letting time slip away quietly.

We are almost familiar with every play method, every equipment and the attributes of every baby in the game. It seems that we are not familiar with how new the content is. Playing the game has become a habit from interest until I found the story of another group of people.

In recent years, I have seen many old players telling stories from various places, such as Leaf Pig, BBS, and Post Bar. They recall the scenery of the past, pay homage to past love, have the chance to be complacent for a while, and have affectionately told the friendship of a person.

I have seen so much that I seem to be very interested in these seemingly ordinary stories, seemingly ordinary life.

I have heard the story of the lovers I met in the game who came from different places and got married many years later;

I have heard that people are still alone in middle age, and the daily consolation is the story of a group of friends in the big talk;

I have heard the story that after playing for 16 years, I have children and teach them to play Dahua 2 every day;

I have also heard stories about grandchildren teaching their elderly grandparents to play big talk, which is now an important leisure activity for the old couple;

I have heard from all walks of life, or the same or different game experiences. Most of them leave work at 7 o'clock and get home at 8 o'clock. They play two hours of big talk in the middle. 2. Turn off the lights and go to bed to greet the next day's work.

Oh, that's what most ordinary people say life

Their experience may not be turbulent, there are no fresh clothes and angry horses, only a little bit of accumulated game life filled with human anger, but it is inexplicably moving.

Looking at it, I found that the pit I entered this time may never come out.

Just stay in the pit, play games and look at you. It's good.

Youth is too good Now is better

There is a saying that youth is so good that you feel wasted no matter how you spend it. Looking back, everyone feels regretful.

The star chasing road of Dahua 2, from god to interest, from interest to feelings, is very similar to the way we must go on the road of growth, but also the mentality change process of more than ten years. Now when we look back, there is no regret.

Youth is good, and now it is better. After 16 years, I hope that everything will be the same in the next 16 years.

Dahua Teahouse's friendship is renewed. In the teahouse, the water has been boiled, the tea has been prepared, and the Jianghu friendship story is waiting to be told in detail. Dahua sincerely invites each brother to drink a cup of Jianghu tea and talk about your Jianghu story!

   Dahua Teahouse:

   Dahua Teahouse Essay Contest opens: 400 point cards and Dahua Friendship Tea Gift will be given immediately after submission! There are a lot of surrounding areas waiting for you!

   If you have any questions, you can join Leafy pig Dahua 2 communication group [click to add group] Discuss with many players!!

[Editor: Minai]
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