
display poise and refinement Tencent iQiYi Youku Announces

On demand, advanced, video platform, major videos, payment, membership rights

In the past two years, the pay and watch mode of advanced on-demand has been borrowed from each other by major video platforms. Almost all mainstream platforms have launched similar services, and users still need to pay for on-demand on the basis of members. Since the advent of Advance On Demand, it has been constantly questioned and complained, and even some users have taken the video platform to court, but it has never brought any change. But today, iQIYI suddenly took the lead in announcing that it will cancel the advanced on-demand service, and also cancel the membership posting
Looking forward to the arrival of summer, the pleasant breeze, cold drinks, and the starlight of teenagers, but not the examination papers and all goodbyes at the end of summer.

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Make the best of the situation - Tencent iQIYI Youku announced

It's very cold. You remember to wear an extra coat. I said it's good to take it off when it's cold.

Carmen's official website Wilderness Escort 2, which key to press for auxiliary targeting - 001 Carmen

The auxiliary aiming in the "Wilderness Escort 2" on Carmen's official website can only be used when using the handle to permanently destroy the Infernal Black Number. If you want to adjust it, you can enter the offline mode first. At this time, the auxiliary aiming is automatically opened. Then you can enter the online mode to use the auxiliary aiming online. Then you can point at the enemy's big eating chicken and press L2 to self aim, which is more as follows. Wilderness escort 2 assists in aiming. Press which key to start story mode, and then

Eating Chicken Hanging Platform Warcraft WLK's most difficult daily routine, which could be completed in 15 minutes, is still robbing - 001 Carmen after one hour

The WLK version of the daily mission of World of Warcraft on the chicken eating platform is very popular. At this time, daily tasks reach the peak. Several different areas of Northrend have daily tasks. Leisure players must do daily tasks every day. In addition to gaining reputation, they can also obtain a lot of gold coins for players. Now the World of Warcraft WLK nostalgia service has just opened for a few days, and a large number of all level players have devoted themselves to daily tasks, spending 25 days every day

What are the recipes for making the last battle survivors? COD16 Carmel, a list of all item synthesis recipes - 001 Carmel

After players get all kinds of information in the game, they can generate game props. This kind of game props will be very helpful for the following survival difficulties. Next, we will give you a detailed introduction of what the CF side has to make for the rest of your life after the final battle. If you need it, please have a look! The game player can generate production after assisting Carmen to get various materials in the game