The social electricity consumption in Xiamen in the first four months increased by 18.1% year on year - Economy - Xiamen Channel of Southeast Network
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Xiamen's social electricity consumption in the first four months increased by 18.1% year on year

2024-05-11 09:06:43   Author: Zhang Shi   Source: Xiamen Evening News    Editor in charge: Duan Mashui    Let me say something
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The social electricity consumption in the first four months increased by 18.1% year on year

Xiamen Evening News (Reporter Zhang Shi Correspondent Zheng Zhaoxu) Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Statistics that from January to April this year, the social power consumption in Xiamen increased rapidly, with the total social power consumption reaching 11.073 billion kilowatt hours, an increase of 1.698 billion kilowatt hours over the same period last year, up 18.1% year on year. According to analysis, the growth of social electricity consumption reflects the steady and positive trend of Xiamen's economic and social development to a certain extent.

In terms of different uses, from January to April, the city's productive power consumption was 8.893 billion kWh, up 20.5% year on year; Living electricity consumption reached 2.180 billion kWh, up 9.3% year on year. By industry, the electricity consumption of the secondary industry increased by 23.1% year on year, and that of the tertiary industry increased by 15.8% year on year.

In terms of industry category, the city's industrial power consumption was 5.769 billion kilowatt hours, up 23.8% year on year; Wholesale and retail electricity consumption reached 888 million kilowatt hours, up 21.8% year on year; The electricity consumption of leasing and business services reached 220 million kilowatt hours, up 22.4% year on year; The electricity consumption of the financial industry was 39 million kWh, up 15.5% year on year; The electricity consumption of transportation, storage and postal services was 343 million kilowatt hours, up 15.3% year on year; The electricity consumption of information transmission, software and information technology service industries was 220 million kilowatt hours, up 15% year on year.

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