National Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Xiamen 9 Works Selected - Style - Xiamen Channel of Southeast Network
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National Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting 9 works from Xiamen were selected

2024-05-10 09:35:59   Author: Gong Xiaoguan   Source: Xiamen Evening News    Editor in charge: Duan Mashui    Let me say something
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National Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting 9 works from Xiamen were selected

Eight calligraphers from Xiamen ranked among the best in Fujian Province

Xiamen Evening News (Reporter Gong Xiaoguan) The 13th National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition is being held. The reporter learned from the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles that there are 9 pieces of works of 8 calligraphers in Xiamen, and the number of visitors is among the best in Fujian Province.

Founded in 1980, the National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition is held every four years. It is a comprehensive exhibition of the highest standard in the Chinese calligraphy field sponsored by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Calligraphy Association. It has become an important carrier leading the calligraphy aesthetic, value recognition and development direction, and an authoritative platform to gather calligraphers and focus on displaying the fine works of contemporary calligraphy art.

After strict review by the jury, 965 works were evaluated, including 88 seal characters, 134 official script, 215 regular script, 237 running script, 182 cursive script, 76 seal cutting and 33 lettering. A total of 42 works of 37 calligraphers in Fujian Province were exhibited.

The 13th National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition was opened last month. It is divided into three exhibition areas. Running script and cursive script are displayed in Shanxi exhibition area, seal script, seal cutting and engraving are displayed in Zhejiang exhibition area, official script and regular script are displayed in Henan exhibition area, and more than 300 pieces of works are selected for exhibition in Beijing.

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Among the 8 calligraphers in Xiamen who were selected into the 13th National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition, Zheng Yingyan was the first to contribute to the national exhibition. She chose the most competitive semi cursive, and finally stood out from the 4284 semi cursive works that were shortlisted for re evaluation after being selected at various levels. Her work "Poem Notes of Spring Leaves Thatched Cottage" will be displayed in Shanxi exhibition area until May 12.

Zheng Yingyan graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Calligraphy is her hobby. After graduating from college, Zheng Yingyan came to work in Xiamen. She highly esteemed the semi cursive calligraphy work "Jiuhua Tie" created by Yang Ning, a calligrapher of the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. She read Yang Ning's life and wrote his simulated ink, and felt the sparse, clear, implicit, and space interlaced between the lines. She said that the space between lines and words gives people infinite imagination. This combination of law and meaning is exactly the style of writing she wants to pursue. In 2022, Zheng Yingyan set up a calligraphy studio to teach hard pen and soft pen calligraphy. She is also a soft pen calligraphy teacher in Xiamen Youth Palace.

Zheng Yingyan believes that it is not enough to learn calligraphy only by hard training. It is easy to get its shape and lose its spirit by blindly copying, so it is particularly important to speculate and understand beyond the techniques. The process of learning calligraphy is to start from the unfamiliar state at the beginning, gradually master the shape and spirit, and then go beyond the constraints of the shape, leaving the charm of the word. This transformation process from form similarity to spirit similarity needs constant purification and decomposition. (Reporter Gong Xiaoguan)

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