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Xiamen: Colorful Holiday Attractions

2024-05-05 09:43:31   Author: Zhang Yurong, Xue Yao, Chen Yuxuan   Source: Xiamen Daily    Editor in charge: Li Qi    Let me say something
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Tourists take photos and punch cards at the seaside.

Xiamen Daily (article/picture reporter Zhang Yurong, Xue Yao, intern Chen Yuxuan) On the fourth day of the May Day holiday, the tourist market in Xiamen is still hot. The reporter visited the area of Huandao Road yesterday, and found that many tourists from other places have not finished their dream yet, and many couples also took photos here.

At 3:00 pm yesterday, when the reporter came to Huandao Road, he saw that many citizens and tourists were already "fully armed". They took camping mats and other equipment to sit at the seaside and enjoy a pleasant time. Zeng, an 11 year old classmate from Jiangxi, and his family drove to Xiamen. Zeng said excitedly, "We drove three cars and spent more than five hours. Finally, we can enjoy ourselves at the seaside! I also caught a lot of crabs and snails."

Ms. Peng from Shenzhen also took her daughter to Xiamen by high-speed rail. "I have visited Xiamen seven times, and this time I want to take my daughter to experience the cultural atmosphere of Xiamen. I have always had a good impression of Xiamen, which is a very elegant and relaxed city." They clocked in Gulangyu, Botanical Garden, Zhongshan Road and Nanputuo Temple, and tasted the characteristic sand tea noodles, He also bought many Xiamen specialties and planned to go back to give them to relatives and friends, so that they could also feel the delicious food of Xiamen.

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