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Color affects mood Pink is the most relaxing

2011-11-22 00:49:00
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Core tip: Color really has a great impact on people's emotions. Color acts on people's senses, stimulates people's nerves, and then has an impact on emotional psychology.

In today's life, people are more and more affected by color, and home design pays much attention to the matching of color and tone. It was suggested that the formation of children's character is also affected by the color of the living environment, and some colors will stimulate people's appetite. Does color really have such a big impact on people's psychological emotions? Why are people affected by color?

Color affects mood

   Color affects nerves and emotions

People's personal experience shows that color has an important impact on people's psychological activities, especially closely related to emotions.

In our daily life, recreational activities, military activities and other fields, there are various colors that affect people's psychology and emotions. All kinds of people: ancient rulers, modern entrepreneurs, artists, advertisers, etc. are consciously or unconsciously using color to influence and control people's psychology and emotions. People's clothing, food, housing and transportation also reflect the application of color all the time: wear summer The lake blue clothes will make people feel cool, and people will have more appetite if they change the meat to maroon. The reason why color can affect people's mental state and mood is that color comes from nature's innate color.

Psychologists believe that people's first feeling is vision, and the biggest impact on vision is color. The reason why human behavior is affected by color is that human behavior is easily dominated by emotion. The reason why color can affect people's mental state and mood is that color comes from nature's innate color, blue sky, bright red blood The golden sun... Seeing these colors that are the same as nature's innate colors, nature will associate with the feeling experience related to these natural objects, which is the most primitive influence. This may also be the reason why people from different regions, countries, nations and personalities have the same feeling and experience about some colors.

For example, red usually brings people these feelings: excitement, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, boldness and strength, and solemn , solemn, joyful and happy, etc. Green is the color of grassland and forest in nature. It means life is permanent, ideal, young, safe, fresh and peaceful, giving people a cool feeling. Blue makes people feel distant, quiet, empty and so on.

With the development of society, there are more and more substances that affect people's perception of color, and people's perception of color is more and more complex. For example, people who have experienced the "Cultural Revolution" are different from those who have not.

  Color can affect people's psychology and physiology

Scientific research on the relationship between color and people's psychology and emotion has found that color has an impact on people's psychology and physiology.

country Surgery Scientists found that under the irradiation of red light, people's brain waves and skin Electrical activity will change. Under the irradiation of red light, people's auditory perception decreases and their grip strength increases. The same object looks larger in red light than in blue light. People working in red light react faster than ordinary workers, but their work efficiency is lower.

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