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Your current location: Auto sales > Sales ranking of SAIC Volkswagen

Sales details of SAIC Volkswagen (2020.07)
Current month:

2020.07 Total sales: one hundred and twenty-two thousand Vehicles

Model sales volume Level Share in the sales volume of the manufacturer Rank in the rank Model related
Lavida thirty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-five Compact car 29.45% two
Tiguan L seventeen thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven SUV 14.73% four
Santana fifteen thousand four hundred and twenty-six Compact car 12.64% eleven
Tuyue thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifteen SUV 11.24% eleven
Passat twelve thousand four hundred and fifty-seven Medium-sized car 10.21% eight
Lingdu six thousand two hundred and forty-nine Compact car 5.12% eighteen
Tuen five thousand four hundred and eighty-one SUV 4.49% thirty-four
Polo three thousand four hundred and fifty-nine Light-Duty Vehicle 2.84% four
TUON X three thousand and forty-two SUV 2.49% forty-four
Weiran two thousand seven hundred and forty-four MPV 2.25% fifteen
Road armoring two thousand one hundred and ninety-three SUV 1.8% fifty-seven
Passat New Energy nine hundred and ninety-one Medium-sized car 0.81% twenty-five
TUGUAN L New Energy nine hundred and eighty-three SUV 0.81% ninety-six
Huiang seven hundred and twenty-four Medium and large vehicles 0.59% nine
Touran five hundred and seventy-two MPV 0.47% thirty
Langyi Pure Electric seventy-two Compact car 0.06% eighty
tiguan -- SUV -- --
Langhang -- Compact car -- --
Santana Horner -- Compact car -- --
19 pieces of data in total
The car sales ranking data of the owner's home comes from the network, and the sales data do not include imported models. The data is for reference only. Please refer to the sales data published by the automobile manufacturer.
Data updated on June 12, 2024.

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