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The trade unions at all levels in Karamay City carry out the activity of concentrated participation of workers in the new employment form

Author: Hou Jingjing, Su Yuhan
Source: Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions
Date: May 23, 2024

"I can ask my 'mother's family' for help when I encounter difficulties in work and life," said Li Sheng, an employee of Jinmiao E-commerce Co., Ltd. on May 21. In the middle of May, four activities were held in Karamay for workers in new employment forms to join the trade union. A total of 188 workers in new employment forms, such as truck drivers, joined the trade union.

At the entrance ceremony, the new members learned the knowledge of laws and regulations such as the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant contents such as safety production and operation specifications. At the same time, the staff of the trade union publicized to the new members the various rights and interests that the trade union members can enjoy, such as the "action of learning to realize their dreams", the medical mutual assistance and security activities for in-service employees, and labor skills training.

Wang Cailing, a worker of the Social Chemical Industry Association of the Yinhe Road Sub district Trade Union Federation, said: "After the workers in the new employment form join the trade union, we will strengthen the visit to the platform enterprises, collect the demands of the workers in the new employment form, and coordinate and solve them in a timely manner to fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of the workers in the new employment form."

In recent years, trade unions at all levels in Karamay City have attached great importance to the accession of workers in new forms of employment, and attracted workers in new forms of employment by organizing skills training, legal advice, and staff sports activities.

The relevant person in charge of Karamay Federation of Trade Unions said that workers in the new employment form would feel the concern of the trade union through centralized membership. In the future, the trade union will continue to consolidate and deepen the work of workers in new forms of employment to join the trade union, constantly innovate the organizational form and operating mechanism of the trade union, and maximize the attraction of workers in new forms of employment to the trade union organization. At the same time, it will also carry out activities with rich contents and various forms to enrich the life of workers in new employment forms, so that their sense of gain, happiness and security will be constantly improved.

[Zhang Qi]