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Let the trade union service go from "fingertip" to "heart to heart" -- The General Trade Union of Horgos City, Ili Prefecture creates a "smart trade union" to make the work of the assistant union smart

Source: Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions
Date: May 9, 2024

Learn the party history, understand the policy, join the trade union, improve skills, and enjoy preferential purchase of welfare products... In the "smart trade union" section set up by the General Trade Union of Khorgos City, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, relying on the "smart party building" platform of the Kalasu Street Trade Union Federation, Khorgos City, workers can reach the trade union service at a touch with a finger.

   Explore the new method of "smart trade union+ideological and political guidance"

"It is really practical to learn not only the history of the Party, but also the Guide to the Publicity of Labor Rules for Workers in New Employment Forms, the Guide to the Maintenance of Workers' Rights and Interests in New Employment Forms and other systems." On April 24, Wusiken Natejie, a delivery clerk of Hoergos Jiuchu Information Technology Co., Ltd., said.

In view of the characteristics of more enterprises, more shops, more floating population, more scattered employees, and more workers in new employment forms in the area under its jurisdiction, the Hoergos Federation of Trade Unions, relying on the "smart party building" platform of the Kalasu Sub district Trade Union Federation, has developed and added a new "smart trade union" segment, and added 30 modules such as online application for vocational workers' membership and online learning of employees, Create the "three strong learning bars" of cloud based "strong mind learning bar", "strong soul learning bar" and "strong energy learning bar" to further strengthen the ideological and political leadership of employees.

At present, more than 130000 people (times) have participated in the study of employees, effectively extending the ideological and political leadership of employees from "fingertips" to "heart to heart".

Create a new situation of "smart trade union+field service"

"Our training module in the 'Smart Labor Union' can realize the closed-loop management of trade union business training and online registration, check-in and evaluation of staff skills, as well as learning business management, industrial injury prevention and other courses. This service is very convenient," said Zhang Xiaolong, an employee of Hoergos Economic Development Zone Energy Heating Co., Ltd.

The Hoergos Federation of Trade Unions has developed and constructed the "top 10 employee service positions" on the line in combination with the actual needs of employees to realize the intelligent, networked and fingertip functions of employee membership, rights protection, employment, learning, activities, child rearing, friends making, assistance, health, travel and other functions. At the same time, we will focus on offline reality, and create offline service positions that integrate staff library, staff home, staff dance room, staff psychological consultation room, etc. All kinds of equipment are available.

"Through the construction of online and offline service positions, we can provide the staff and workers with 'always, everywhere, everything' perceptible and accessible services. At present, we have done more than 500 practical things for the staff and workers, serving more than 30000 people (times)." said Zou Siyuan, chairman of the Karasu Sub district Trade Union Federation, "We will continue to explore more good ideas and ideas that are conducive to the life, health, welfare and other aspects of the staff, and constantly expand the service content."

Open up a new way of "smart trade union+grassroots governance"

"The employees participated in the 'online second kill' activity in the 'Smart Trade Union'. The Hoergos Federation of Trade Unions supported the employees and the merchants in one hand to seek benefits for the employees," said Sun Xiuzhen, director of the office of Hoergos Jinghuan Environmental Services Co., Ltd.

In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the staff and workers, the Hoergos Federation of Trade Unions has explored the implementation of the management system of point system, adopted the way of personalized point earning, diversified point exchange forms, and materialized point dividends, and grasped the combination point of "the work promotion of the units under the jurisdiction has requirements, the business operation has needs, and the staff and workers have demands for point exchange", We organized 26 units under our jurisdiction to work together, signed platform entry agreements with 411 stores, customized more than 500 kinds of exclusive coupons for catering, entertainment, etc., and regularly carried out "online second killing" activities, achieving the "win-win" goal of "attracting stores and benefiting employees".

Through the implementation of the credit system management system, the enthusiasm of the staff and workers to participate in grass-roots governance has been mobilized. More than 4000 people (times) participate in the "smart trade union" learning and practice activities every day, with more than 80% of the activity, forming a new situation of multi governance at the grass-roots level.

"Next, we will give full play to the role of trade unions as bridges and links, further increase the exploration of 'smart trade unions', improve the ability and level of serving the masses of workers, and make workers more convenient, more accurate, more intelligent and more efficient to enjoy the intimate services of trade unions." Li Fan, vice chairman of the Hoergos Federation of Trade Unions, said.


[Zhang Jing]