Shaya County, Xinjiang: Good Family Style Brings "Positive Energy"

15:46, July 13, 2020 Source: People's Daily Online - Xinjiang Channel

The inheritance of good family customs is conducive to the formation of good social customs and the construction of a harmonious society.

"My family style is filial piety. My parents have always taught us that" filial piety comes first ". My grandmother has been ill in bed for a long time. My mother first made a light diet for her grandmother and then made us six meals a day. She wiped her body and fed her medicine... She told us what filial piety is by taking action. Filial piety can help us go further." On July 4, The Third Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Supervision Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shaya County, Xinjiang organized the party members and cadres of the UNESCO Health System to carry out the activity of "telling my family style story". Twelve cadres from different posts, such as education and health, told their own family style stories in combination with their own reality, and actively spread positive energy.

"A good family style is very important. Each of our party members and cadres is like a flag. Every move, every word and every action not only represents themselves, but also represents the image of the party and the government." Tang Xinyan, a cadre of the health committee of the county, said when telling the family style story.

One by one, there are bright family customs and instructions, and one by one, there are simple family customs and stories. The majority of party members and cadres used typical examples that happened to themselves or their elders to explain the family and family style stories around different family style themes, such as being diligent and thrifty, respecting the old and cherishing the young, being honest and polite, being honest and kind, and being honest and trustworthy, which welcomed the applause of the audience.

Through the activities, we further established a new image of loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility of party members and cadres, guided them to pass on family virtues, set a good family style, set an example, teach by example, carry forward the clean and upright spirit, transmit upward positive energy, and create a good social atmosphere that pays attention to the family style.

It is understood that in July this year, the county's discipline inspection commission and supervision committee, in combination with the 22nd party conduct and clean government education month, extensively excavated and collected good local family rules and their exemplary stories among party members and cadres throughout the county, guided the majority of party members and cadres to play the role of vanguard, model, and lead, be a pioneer and set an example in family building and family conduct construction, and at the same time, influence the party conduct by family style, Create a clean and honest environment.

Up to now, 252 family customs trainings and 89 family customs stories have been collected from Party members and cadres. In the next step, the county will also classify the family style and family discipline and family style stories according to different themes such as filial piety, honesty, etiquette, faithfulness and loyalty, and compile and print the Family Style and Family Discipline Collection of Party Members and Cadres in Shaya County for the majority of party members, cadres and public officials to learn from, and use the family style to lead the style. (Qi Shaohong)

(Editor in charge: Sanya, Han Ting)

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