Follow the General Secretary to see China firmly build the "ballast" of energy security

Dancing on the air is difficult to become a career for thousands of years; Only by seeking truth and pragmatism can we do well and achieve good results. Xinjiang will firmly grasp the strategic positioning in the overall situation of the country, adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, anchor the building of a national energy resources strategic guarantee base, comprehensively promote the construction of the "three bases and one channel" of the country in the new era, and firmly build the "ballast stone" of energy security.

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The Party's Xinjiang Governance Strategy in the New Era Leads Tianshan's Children to Write a "New" Chapter

At every critical moment of development, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has repeatedly raised the flag to guide the development of Xinjiang. The warm interaction between the people's leaders and the people of all ethnic groups has become the most precious memory and lasting force in this land. More than 25 million people in Tianshan bear in mind the ardent advice of the General Secretary, resolutely implement the Party's strategy of governing Xinjiang in the new era, and are grateful to work hard to revitalize Xinjiang. Tianshan has a new look from north to south.

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Xinjiang is moving towards the forefront of opening up in a broader range and in a deeper level

At present, the opening up pattern of one hub, two fulcrums, and several ports has been formed. The construction of "five centers" has been steadily advancing. The industrial chain, supply chain, and logistics chain of "leading from the west to the east" and "connecting from the east to the west" have been constantly improved. Xinjiang is becoming the forefront of opening up from a relatively closed inland.

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Along the Belt and Road | Xinjiang: Connecting Europe and Asia all the way to build a bridgehead for opening to the west

2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. As the most convenient channel for China to connect Central Asia, West Asia and Europe, Xinjiang has firmly grasped the opportunity of the times in the past decade, made positive progress in promoting the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, and has increasingly close contacts and extensive cooperation with countries jointly building the "Belt and Road", especially the five Central Asian countries.

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Xinjiang: expand the "circle of friends" and draw a "concentric circle" through dance

Songs and songs spread on Tianshan Mountain, and dances on the Silk Road. More than a thousand dancers dance in harmony; The audience applauded to express their emotion and fully display the charm of cultural exchange - the dance festival showed the world the image of China's Xinjiang with happiness, beauty and cultural prosperity in an inclusive and open manner.

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Xinjiang's foreign trade in the first quarter ran out of growth "acceleration" and "golden channel", highlighting the value of gold

In the first quarter of the year, Xinjiang's economy started at a high level, showing strong resilience and vitality, and ushered in a "good start" for the quarter - the country's first foreign trade growth rate, the rapid growth of industrial production, the continuous recovery of market consumption, and the strong recovery of the tourism industry, making Xinjiang's contribution to stabilizing the national economy.

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Relay Aid Xinjiang: Spread the warmth of the motherland family in the hearts of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang

Modern buildings built with Xinjiang aid funds have sprung up, people's livelihood projects have been completed and put into use one by one, and groups of Xinjiang aid cadres and talents have devoted themselves to writing great love in the border... The tenth group of provincial and municipal aid work in Xinjiang conforms to the public opinion, guarantees people's livelihood, and gathers people's hearts. People of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang enjoy the benefits brought by counterpart aid to Xinjiang, and life has undergone gratifying changes.

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Xinjiang National People's Congress: Fulfill their duties and set out again to take the "road to exam" in the new era

Xinjiang faces new opportunities and must make new achievements. Deputies to people's congresses at all levels in Xinjiang fully and accurately implement the Party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, perform their duties in accordance with the law based on their posts, and contribute their wisdom and strength to better build a beautiful Xinjiang with unity, harmony, prosperity, civilization, progress, living and working in peace, and good ecology in the process of Chinese modernization.

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Horgos Port: accelerate the construction of an international logistics channel opening to the west

The domestic market with 1.4 billion people is connected at one end, and the markets in Central Asia, West Asia and Europe with 1.2 billion people are connected at the other end. As an important fulcrum in the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, Khorgos will make full use of the "two markets and two resources" at home and abroad, give full play to its special advantages in location, policy and openness, and accelerate the construction of China's international logistics corridor opening to the west.

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Important news area

Practical work | No direct bus to school Urumqi: adjust, stop and carry passengers

Recently, some netizens reported on the "Leaders' Message Board" on People's Daily Online that there is no direct bus to school due to the change of bus stops. They hope that the public transport department will fine tune the bus line 309 to facilitate parents to pick up and send children to and from school. Reply from Urumqi Transportation Bureau: No. 309 stops at Huifengdian Bus Station to take passengers.


People Suggest | Netizens Suggest Shortening the Cycle of Signal Light Conversion Maigaiti County, Xinjiang: Optimized

Recently, a netizen left a message to the secretary of Xinjiang Maigaiti County Party Committee through the People's Daily Online "Leaders' Message Board", suggesting that traffic lights should be set reasonably according to the busy degree of different crossings and the traffic volume.


There is an echo | netizens report that the fire passage is blocked Reply from three places in Xinjiang: solved

Recently, some netizens reported the blocking problem of the fire passage through the People's Daily Online "Leaders Message Board", which was positively responded and solved by the relevant departments.


Practical | Adjustment of multiple bus lines brings inconvenience to the masses Urumqi: adjusted and optimized

Recently, many netizens reported that Urumqi's BRT5, 6502, 29 and other bus routes have adjusted their stops, which has brought inconvenience to people's travel. After leaving a message on the "leadership message board" of People's Daily Online, Urumqi's transportation department has now asked the bus companies to adjust and optimize.


People's Suggestion | Netizens Suggest to Set up Online Taxi Stops at Airports and Railway Stations Urumqi: In Progress

Mr. Wang, a citizen of Urumqi, left a message on the "Leaders Message Board" of People's Daily Online, suggesting that the airport and railway station should set up special parking lots or parking spots for online car hailing, and mark the parking lot number for passengers and drivers to find.


People Suggest | Netizens Suggest Government Organs Strengthen Wastewater Utilization Urumqi: vigorously promote water-saving transformation

A netizen in Urumqi suggested that the government should strengthen the reuse of wastewater from drinking fountains. Urumqi Water Affairs Bureau will vigorously promote water-saving appliances and water-saving technology transformation to help the whole society form a water-saving production and lifestyle.


Xinjiang solicits practical suggestions for people's livelihood in 2024 through the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online

From October 20 to November 5, relying on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online, Xinjiang launched a platform for collecting practical suggestions on people's livelihood in 2024, and solicited suggestions openly throughout Xinjiang.


Do practical things | netizens report that urban governance problems need to be solved Urumqi: rectified

Recently, many netizens reported the urban problems found in daily life on the People's Daily Online "Leaders' Message Board", hoping that the relevant departments would rectify and improve them. In this regard, Urumqi, Xinjiang, responded to the problems reported by netizens and rectified them


Do practical things | A developer in Aksu, Xinjiang is late to deliver the house The owner asked for help and got a response

Ms. Lv from Akesu City, Xinjiang left a message on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online, reflecting that the community was late in delivering the house. After leaving a message, Ms. Lv quickly got a reply from the relevant departments, negotiated with the real estate company on matters related to compensation, and waited for the house acceptance results.


Do practical things | Pay attention to elevator hidden dangers Relevant departments in Urumqi: rectified

Recently, Mr. Chen, a netizen in Urumqi, reported on the "Leaders Message Board" of People's Daily Online that the high-rise elevators in the community where he lives had problems for many times in nearly half a month. Midong District of Urumqi has organized the property management of the community to carry out maintenance and annual inspection of elevators.


Doing practical things | Urumqi: building roads and installing street lamps Protect the people's "foot safety"

Problems such as uneven roads and unlit street lights are related to the "foot safety" of citizens. Recently, some netizens reported such problems through the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online, and relevant units in Urumqi coordinated to deal with them as soon as possible.


"Small things" should not be "belittled". The potential safety hazards reported by the masses in three places of Xinjiang should be solved in this way

Recently, people from Turpan, Hami and Kashi in Xinjiang reflected some problems on the "Leaders Message Board" of People's Daily Online. "Little things" are not "belittled". After the public left a message, it was actively resolved by the relevant departments.


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