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Thousands of people said that Xinjiang learned about food only after following the horse school

Author:      Source: Xinhuanet      Date: February 20, 2023

Ma Xue is the third generation successor of the "Jiuwan Sanxingzi" in Changji, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture. Now he is the owner of a restaurant in Changji Snack Street, which mainly deals in the traditional Hui cuisine "Nine Bowls and Three Elements". "Nine Bowls and Three Elements" has been included in the list of intangible cultural heritage at the autonomous region level. Ma Xuecai realized the integration of tradition and modernity through the bold innovation of traditional cuisine, and his business is getting better year by year. Ma Xuecai likes the culture behind traditional food. He said that with the continuous progress of society, food should also be constantly improved and promoted. We should not only stick to tradition, but also make bold innovations in taste, design and packaging to achieve the integration of tradition and modernity. The contents and patterns of dishes can be renovated, but their connotation will never change. People eat delicious food, looking for feeling, tasting culture.


[Editor in charge: Zhou Qian]