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In February, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping read through senior officials’ reports on their work, and urged them to carry forward the spirit of historical initiative, be both brave and adept in carrying out struggle, take opportunities to forge ahead and greet the convocation of the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress with concrete action.


The historical initiative is the spirit of losing no time,a keen sense of responsibility, and the striving spirit for new progress. Affectionate expression of "pure, true love saved for the motherland"; the Zhurong rover probing Mars, the Xihe satellite chasing the sun, and the Tianhe space station core module traveling among the stars; athletes outdoing themselves to excel on the sports field; the whole nation staying united in solid COVID-19 response; people in disaster-stricken areas standing together to rebuild their homes; members of the People's Liberation Army and Armed Police devoted to building a strong military and protecting our country...Inspired by the spirit of historical initiative, countless unsung heroes work hard on their ordinary posts and produce extraordinary achievements, which have made indelible contributions to national development.


Today, the ever-changing development, the sweat and hard work, and the remarkable achievements,—all the expectations and pursuit, exploration and struggle, accumulation and creation testify the great creativity of the Chinese people, demonstrate the great spirit of historical initiative. This profound and strong spirit evokes our confidence and enhances our enthusiasm and initiative. It expresses the vigor and vitality of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.


For strivers, there is no end but new starting point.To realize our great dream, we should continue to carry forward the spirit of historical initiative, and forge ahead in the face of difficulties, seize opportunities with firm confidence. So that we will overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and break the waves and sail out for our journey ahead.