Hunan Zhixin Psychological Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd
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  • Shijiazhuang Intelligent Psychological Decompression Chamber Company has automatic detection function to relieve anxiety

    Source: Hunan Zhixin Psychological Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd Time: 2024-07-05 14:11:48 [Report]

    The intelligent biological EEG feedback training system can constantly understand the emotional changes of EEG biofeedback technology, so as to tell you whether you are nervous or relaxed, whether you are highly focused or cranky. It tells people that the self-help nervous system reaches balance and coordination, eliminates nervous impulses, depression, and other negative emotions, so as to improve the ability to understand and regulate their own emotions.

    The intelligent massage decompression chamber can automatically detect the body shape, track and position the body in real time with the movement of the body, pay attention to the comfort state of the user at any time, and adjust the technical technique, strength and speed according to the person at any time. The psychological decompression system can help the extremely tired people quickly enter a quiet and relaxed state.

    Hunan Zhixin Psychological Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd., referred to as "Xinfeixin", is currently mainly engaged in the research, development and production of psychological products, and has set foot in education, medical treatment, justice, enterprises, communities and other industries. Its "Xinfeixin" brand provides comprehensive solutions for the construction and application of psychological products (software and hardware) and psychological consulting rooms. As a research and development based psychological equipment manufacturing and service enterprise, Hunan Zhixin Psychological Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd., located at No. 197 Jinhai Road, Yuhua District, Changsha, Hunan Province, is a company with more than 100 upstream suppliers and multiple research and development institutions including principle design, industrial design, software development, etc., focusing on psychological equipment (software, hardware) Research on the future trend of technology and development of new products.

    Label: Shijiazhuang intelligent psychological decompression chamber, price of intelligent psychological decompression chamber, supplier of intelligent psychological decompression chamber, quotation of intelligent psychological decompression chamber

Company Information

  • Hunan Zhixin Psychological Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual not certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 2 days
  • Intellectual psychology
  • private limited liability company
  • 2014-03-04
  • Psychological consultation room equipment, psychological products, software technology
  • Hunan Changsha 197 Jinhai Road, Yuhua District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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two hundred and forty million one hundred and seventy-one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six

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Name: Hunan Zhixin Psychological Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊩򈊩򈊡򈊨򈊩򈊡򈊥򈊨򈊧򈊡
Address: No.197 Jinhai Road, Yuhua District, Changsha, Hunan
Main products
Psychological consultation room equipment, psychological products, software technology services

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