Why do you hold your hands on the ground when short track speed skating turns? What sport is short track speed skating- Replay network

Why do you hold your hands on the ground when short track speed skating turns? What sport is short track speed skating?

2023-07-07 16:22:01 Source: Taiyuan Hotline

Why do you hold your hands on the ground when short track speed skating turns

Prevention of falling: When the body leans, holding the ice can support the body, so as to prevent the body from leaning outward due to the torque of centrifugal force.

Increase centripetal force: When turning, athletes lean their bodies to increase centripetal force and avoid being thrown off the track, so they usually hold the ice with their hands to support their bodies, otherwise they will fall down.

What is short track speed skating

Ice Racing

"Short Track Speed Skating (short track speed skating), full name of short track speed skating, is a race on ice on a shorter track."

[Editor in charge: h001]

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