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What does Pigu mean? Does Pigu eat nothing but drink water?

What does Pigu mean?

The word "Pigu" originates from Taoism. It is a common way of eating in Taoist practice. Its main purpose is to cultivate one's morality nature

Taoism believes that there is a germ structure in grains, and the germ represents life. On the one hand, they don't want to erase the chance of seed rebirth; On the other hand, the germ contains Harmful In the process of food production, the germ can not be removed alone. This is the reason why people can't get sick when they eat cereals.

So, does Pigu eat nothing but drink water?

It is not that Pigu doesn't eat anything. Pigu just doesn't eat grains. Instead, it takes high protein, high fat and other high-energy medicines to nourish qi and blood and enrich the basic survival needs of patients.

key word: What does Pigu mean Diet behave properly to improve one's character Does Pigu eat nothing but drink water

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