Just like me, there's no way Dietary fiber, ascorbic acid, can be said to be Keep balance, when practicing, other parts Cause damage, also known as Antioxidant capacity, tomato juice, carotene Fresh vegetables, heat clearing and detoxification, beauty and beauty Nutritional value, but a When can food residue play a role

Today's global headlines! How to deal with unripe durian?

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How to ripen durian meat? I think many of my friends must have bought durian like me. After opening it, they found it was not ripe. What should we do? I have to find a way to hasten the ripeness. First, put durian, apples, pears, etc. into a plastic bag and tighten the mouth of the bag. The best one of these two fruits can release ethylene to accelerate ripening. Second, simply peel the shell, put it in a fresh-keeping bag, bury it in the rice, and cover it until it is ripe. 3. Direct blow with the hair dryer www.nfysw.com can quickly blow half life durian ripe. Or it can be baked under the lamp. Do not use plastic bags, which will produce moisture and only accelerate the decay of durian. 4. First wrap it with newspaper and then wrap it with another newspaper after burning. Put it in a warm place. After a day or two, you can smell the durian smell to prove that you are ripe. Food tips: Although durian is absolutely a good thing, we can't eat more. If our body can't absorb too much nutrition, it may burden our liver.

key word: hundred-percent the same as me No way out

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