Trace Elements, Blood Circulation Elastic range, dry hair Life attitude, performance appraisal, horizontal and vertical Thin hair, that's it, sparse Natural fruit, well known Soil available water, suitable selection, growth stage Smart agriculture and infrastructure all the year round Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, Weiqing radish, green radish

The hair quality is not good, what can be used to effectively improve it?

Middle aged people often eat like this, which can improve hair quality and make hair thicker

As we grow older, the overall metabolic efficiency of our body slowly declines, our living habits change, we exercise less, and our blood circulation weakens. On the contrary, our blood lipids and blood sugar rise, and many friends begin to lose their hair at this time.

The traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidney is in the hair, while the blood is in the hair", which means that the ability of the kidney and the blood condition of the body can be shown through the hair. We know that renal secretion can directly affect the hair quality, such as thickness, color, luster, etc. The liver makes blood, controls the proportion of blood, and the heart pumps blood, which can affect the amount of hair through blood. So we can know the basic situation of the liver, kidney and heart of the body through the number and quality of hair.

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Many people see here and think that it is necessary to nourish the liver and kidney for hair growth, or just eat. In fact, the regulation of liver and kidney is not so simple.

For the kidney, there are yin and yang, and the so-called deficiency is relative. If the yang is strong and the yin is weak, it is regarded as yin deficiency, and yin should be properly replenished. If it is remedied, it will become yin strong, yang weak and yang deficiency, and it will also be remedied. It is like a seesaw, which will be pressed down while being tilted up. Therefore, many people will fall into this strange circle if they don't know what to do. In fact, regulation is more important than kidney tonifying, mainly balance.

For the liver and heart, blood tonic often needs to nourish the liver and polysaccharide, which will increase blood lipids and blood sugar instead. And cardiac strengthening will increase blood circulation, promote blood flow, and cause our basic temperature to rise. They are all suitable for women's weak cold constitution. If a man is strong without losing his life, it will have a negative effect to replenish his blood. For example, some friends have seborrheic alopecia. After tonifying the liver and kidney, the basic temperature rises, scalp secretions increase, thirst and panic, and the five hearts are troubled by heat, which may aggravate the alopecia.

From the point of view of nutrition alone, hair growth requires more than 40 kinds of nutrients, including some hair in the body. That is to say, the hair follicle is open to receive the nutrition in the blood, without filtering and matching. Trace elements in hair follicles and hair are consistent with the body. Therefore, we can know the nutritional status of the body by analyzing the hair. For example, after Napoleon died, the lead element in his hair was 40 times higher than normal, indicating that he had lead poisoning.

The nutrition increases and the proportion is not good, which will not cause problems for hair follicle growth. However, if a certain substance is low or missing, it will have an impact, and the hair will not grow out or the hair quality will change. 90% of hair is keratin and calcium, and the rest is iron, zinc, trace elements and vitamins. Keratin contains the most "cortex" ingredients, tree nuts contain the most mineral elements, red meat contains the most iron, sea fish and shrimp contain more calcium and zinc, and vegetables and fruits contain more vitamins. These foods are ingested, digested, decomposed and absorbed to synthesize nutrients needed by the body. Therefore, we should have a rich diet, eat regularly, and not be partial to food.

Some people say that I eat the same as others, or even better, but my hair is not good, which should have nothing to do with diet and nutrition. This is not the case. People have absorption bias, and absorption capacity is strong or weak and constantly changing. Just like drinking, some people are born to drink, while others are not. However, if you drink regularly, your ability to absorb alcohol will be weakened, and your alcohol resistance will increase. The same is true of our other diets. The food we often eat will be absorbed less and less. The human body absorbs those uncommon substances and elements to meet the nutritional diversity of the body. So here again, we emphasize the importance of rich diet. We should eat more food from different regions and different cooking methods. In addition, if the hair loss is serious or the hair does not grow for a long time, you can also directly spray hair matrix nutrient solution on the scalp, through the absorption of the epidermis, bypass the body's digestion link, and directly feed the scalp hair follicles to promote hair growth. The germinal effect is more significant than that of diet and tonic regulation. For hair volume and hair quality, the improvement is obvious.

Here are five food therapists at who are recommended to send their recipes, so that we can eat them everyday.

1、 Beef bone soup. 200 grams of crushed beef bones are directly boiled in cold water for 2 hours without boiling water. In this way, bone marrow, calcium, protein and collagen can be completely separated in the soup. Regular drinking of Niugu Tang has a good calcium supplement effect.

2、 Make black beans. Put 300g of black beans in cold water and boil them over low heat. Put less water into the pot. If the water is not enough, add some water. Wait until the beans are full, hair rises, and the water is exhausted. Then take out the beans and dry them in the shade. Wait for the beans to wrinkle and shrink, sprinkle a little salt, honey, and vinegar, mix them well, and store them in glass bottles. Take one spoonful twice a day. This method can regulate the kidney.

3、 Chinese wolfberry health preserving porridge. Wash 30 grams of medlar and 50 grams of rice and put them into the pot, and boil them into porridge. Eat porridge every day. This method can warm and nourish kidney yin and kidney yang, and regulate kidney function.

4、 Shouwu Rock Sugar Congee. Take 20g of Shouwu and boil it in a casserole (Shouwu cannot be made of iron), and then filter the dregs soup for use. Add 50g rice and a little rock sugar to make porridge. This method can increase renal secretion, reduce blood fat and blood sugar. It can not be used if the liver and kidney function are not complete.

No, Shouwu pig brain soup. Make 20g of Shouwu boiled water, filter the dregs, put 30g of walnut kernel and proper amount of pig brain into the soup, and add seasoning. Take it every day. This method can regulate endocrine and promote hair growth.

key word: trace element blood circulation

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