Every family, February 2, important It's OK. It tastes delicious This is OK. It's better not to It's not good. Save electricity, safety and health Is there a problem? There are the following: harmful substances Another one, in a short time The opposite is true: dry lungs, coughing, eating and living Generally speaking, it's OK. It's different Nutrients, heat clearing and detoxification

[World Focus] What's the meaning of the rural saying "On February 2, the dragon rises"? What does "head up" mean?

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"Dragon Rise" is also called Spring Dragon Festival. The festival date is the second day of February in the lunar calendar. It is one of the traditional festivals in China. It is a traditional festival in China's urban and rural areas. Celebrate the "Dragon's Head Festival" to show respect for the dragon and pray for rain, so that heaven can bless the harvest. "Dragon Head Festival", also known as "Spring Ploughing Festival" and "Farming Festival", is a traditional Chinese folk festival. Gao Wei said that from the perspective of "conforming to the weather", "February 2" is more appropriate to be called the Spring Dragon Festival. "February 2nd" originated in the era of Fuxi family. Fuxi "pays attention to agriculture and mulberry, and cultivates the land". Every February 2nd, "the emperor's mother delivers food, and the emperor drives his family to cultivate". When King Wu of Zhou arrived, a grand ceremony was held on the second day of February every year, calling on all civil and military officials to cultivate by themselves. Since the Tang Dynasty, on this day, the emperor also led hundreds of officials out of the palace to plow and loosen the soil in the fields, symbolically participating in labor. Wang Juan, a folklorist, said: "Sericulture plays an important role in the agricultural social and economic structure. It is said that the silkworm god is a female. Therefore, in ancient times, there was a silkworm altar for the queen to sacrifice. Therefore, on this day, the emperor 'personally plowed', and the queen would preside over the sericulture ceremony." Chinese people believe that the dragon is an auspicious thing, in charge of clouds and rain, while the lunar calendar "February 2" This is the day when the dragon wants to ascend. In terms of solar terms, at the beginning of February in the lunar calendar, it is between "rain", "wakening the insects" and "spring equinox", and many parts of China have begun to enter the rainy season. This is a natural law, but the ancients thought it was the "dragon". Moreover, the dragon has a very high position in the minds of the Chinese people. It is not only a mascot, but also the master of weathering rain. Therefore, there is the saying "On February 2, the dragon raises its head". In fact, the so-called "dragon raises its head" means that after hibernation, hundreds of insects begin to wake up. There is a folk saying that "on February 2, the dragon will rise, and scorpions and centipedes will show their heads". At this time, the yang will rise, the earth will thaw, and spring ploughing will begin. This custom has been recorded in the Tang Dynasty, and Bai Juyi's poem "February 2nd" said: "On February 2nd, the new rain will clear up, and the grass sprouts will be fresh for a while. Young people in light clothes and small horses will be young, and they will cross their heads." When they were young, people of the older generation would tell such a story: Wu Zetian became the emperor, which angered the Jade Emperor and made it impossible to rain on the earth for three years. When the Dragon King heard the cries of folk people and saw the miserable scene of starving people, he felt pity and rained privately. When the Jade Emperor learned that he had beaten the Dragon King down to earth and suffered under a mountain, the people pleaded for him. The Jade Emperor replied, "Unless golden beans blossom." In order to save the Dragon King, the people searched everywhere for golden beans that blossom for a long time. On the second day of February, an old mother came from somewhere and kept shouting, "Sell golden beans! Sell golden beans!" People wondered. When they bought them, they found some soybeans. These soybeans were fried in the pot and blossomed. So every household began to stir fry beans, and set up a case in the yard to burn incense for the blooming "golden beans". When the Jade Emperor saw the golden bean blossom in every courtyard on earth, he had to send an edict to the Dragon King to return to the heaven and continue to make clouds and rain for the world. Since then, people have formed the habit of eating fried beans every second day of February. There is also a proverb that says, "On February 2, people can eat beans and harvest well without disease." This custom has been passed down to this day. On the second day of the second lunar month, the family should stop sewing to avoid "hurting the dragon's eyes"; If you want to stop washing clothes, I'm afraid you've hurt the dragon skin. In coastal areas, the custom of "cutting the dragon head" on February 2 has been spreading all the time. Because of the saying that "cutting the head in the first month will kill my uncle", many people stopped visiting the barber shop for a month after cutting their hair in December. The ban was not lifted until February 2. On this day, both adults and children shave their heads, especially boys. It's called "cutting the dragon head". It's said that cutting hair on this day can bring good luck for a year, which is called "good luck first". It is common to add the title of "dragon" to food everywhere. Eating dumplings is called "dragon ear", eating spring cakes is called "dragon scale", eating noodles is called "dragon beard", eating rice is called "dragon son", eating wonton is called "dragon eye", and so on. Children will also take cinnabar on their forehead to point a red dot, which means that they are discerning and intelligent, and wish their children to grow up and be literate. In the past, people generally regarded the Spring Dragon Festival as the end of the New Year series. From then on, they stopped all kinds of recreational activities and began to resume their regular business. The long workers who carry the work begin to work, which is called the working day; Ordinary farmers begin to test their ploughs. It is also said that "February 2nd" is the birthday of the Land God, and some places offer sacrifices to the Land God on this day, which shows the people's hope for peace in the land.

key word: each and every family February second Important position

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