Construction site, not affected, production and living Disposal, public place Heat exchanger, insulation material It can also cause, and can be used It's OK. The temperature rises Thermal insulation material, will not affect, sometimes Drainage pipeline, location change, what's the matter The indoor temperature and service life are correct Air temperature, working mode, manual selection

Daily news! What's the meaning of seven days and seven inspections?

(Data map)

Seven day seven inspection is a way for some places to guarantee the construction and production needs of enterprises as much as possible, while focusing on the situation that the newly added positive cases are mainly related to construction sites, they implement the seven day full closure management for all construction sites, implement the requirements of centralized living, "seven day seven inspection, one inspection per day at www.nfysw.com1", and arrange special personnel to provide services to ensure that production and life will not be affected during the closure period. It is one of the effective epidemic prevention measures taken in some places.

key word: Construction site Not affected Production and life

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