Breast cancer patients, four high conditions, high nutrition, high calorie, high risk factors Lark Antelope cosmetics, Lark Antelope products, suitable for the age group, cosmetic efficacy Clinique butter, skin care products, the efficacy of Clinique butter, the role of Clinique butter Breast cancer patients, sick people, high calorie and fat, early screening Late childbearing of older women, intrauterine diseases, fertility protection, healthy reproduction guidance Taking contraceptives, menstrual disorders, endometrium, contraceptives Women of childbearing age, gynecological examination, gynecological malignant tumor, gynecological cyst Cold stomach, severe dysmenorrhea, cold uterus, diagnostic conclusion Breast disease, younger trend, daily diet, lifestyle

Young breast cancer patients often have "four high" conditions must be paid enough attention

During the 28th National Cancer Prevention and Control Publicity Week, Professor Jiang Zefei, Deputy Director of the Cancer Medicine Department of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, reminded that young breast cancer patients often have "four high" conditions: high pressure, high nutrition, high calorie and high fat. Pressure from life, emotion and work, plus staying up late and unhealthy diet Xi Accustomed to making young women nature The increased risk of breast cancer should be paid enough attention. So, which high-risk factors are likely to lead to breast cancer?

1. Late childbirth or no childbirth are risk factors for breast cancer, female nature During lactation, the mammary gland will develop to a more mature stage, so that the mammary gland cells will have a stronger ability to resist carcinogenic factors. Therefore, we advocate young women nature Marriage and childbearing should be carried out in good time, and breastfeeding should be carried out for at least 6 months after childbirth.

2. The age of menarche is less than 12 years old, and the age of menopause is more than 55 years old, which will also lead to more likely breast cancer.

3. Breast is good nature Cancer may also occur if the disease is not treated timely or improperly.

4. Research has found that obese people have high levels of water in their bodies flat Estrogen, the probability of breast cancer is higher than that of ordinary women nature 5-10 times higher.

5. Breast cancer can also be easily induced by unhealthy food intake, small amount of exercise, exposure to ionizing radiation, incorrect underwear selection and other reasons.

Jiang Zefei reminds, female nature flat We should try our best to choose a good living environment, relieve psychological pressure, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. At the same time, we should pay attention to our own breast health from the age of 30. We should do a regular breast examination every month, learn to "bath" to find out, and stay away from the risk of cancer.

Jiang Zefei suggested, female nature Breast self inspection can be performed 7-10 days after each menstruation, and regular self inspection is also required after menopause. For example, breast inspection can be performed on the day of monthly salary. The specific method is divided into two steps:

Stand in front of the mirror to see - mainly to see whether the size and shape of the breast are symmetrical, whether the contour is changed, whether the nipple has secretion and whether it is retracted.

Standing touch - you can apply soap or bath lotion to your hands when bathing, so that you can slide the breast for examination. Place one hand behind the brain, and use the pulp of the index finger, middle finger and ring finger of the other hand to check whether there is a lump in the breast by pressing, screwing or sliding. Also, don't forget to check the axillary lymph nodes in the same way. Finally, gently pinch the nipple with your thumb and index finger to feel if there is a lump under the nipple and if there is any secretion overflow when squeezing the nipple.

Be a woman nature When you find that your breast has typical breast cancer symptoms, such as painful lumps, breast local or nipple depression, and axillary lymph node enlargement, you should pay high attention to them and seek medical advice in a timely manner.

key word: Breast cancer patients Four high conditions High nutrition and high calorie High risk factors

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