Spring breeze turns into rain, moistens childlike innocence, and sings along the way


2024-05-16 14:12:00   Source: China Youth Writers Daily   

In 2021, I briefly bid farewell to my school days and entered Jiantanhe Primary School in Banan District, Chongqing, opening a one-year volunteer teaching life. Here, I served as the deputy head teacher of Class 3, Grade 1, and was responsible for teaching such courses as Music, Morality and the Rule of Law. As time goes by, nearly three years later, the time of mountain city volunteer education seems to reappear yesterday, and still fresh in my memory

In the eyes of students, I am their big sister. From the first day of freshman enrollment, I learned to bend down and listen to the children's voices.

Among the students I teach, there is a mischievous and arrogant "little devil". He often disturbs the normal teaching order in class, and his teaching to teachers is always "from one ear to the other". One day, I asked questions as usual. When he stood up, the class began to laugh in a low voice. My smiling face suddenly pulled into an iron block and asked seriously: "What are you laughing at?" As my question was raised, the class was silent for a moment. At my insistence, a student whispered: "Because he is a poor student, he must not answer Learning life from words.

After a pause, I walked to the middle of the platform and asked, "Children, what kind of students do you think can be called good students?" "Good students!" This answer was almost unanimous. I continued to ask: "At the opening ceremony, President Pan introduced two big brothers and sisters to us. Do you remember?" "Yes! Brother Su Yiming and Sister Gu Ailing!" "Do you think they are good students?" "Yes!" "But you haven't seen their test papers? Why do you think they are good students?" At that time, A student in the class answered without thinking: "Because they ski very well!" After confirming the students' approval, I slowly said: "Yes, although the students do not know their exam results, they are still shining because they are good at skiing, right?" The children answered in unison: "Yes!"

I went to the side of the boy and squatted down, put my arm around his back, put my hand gently on his shoulder, and asked: "Children, do you think he has any bright spots? The teacher said first that he is very active in working at ordinary times, and at noon the teacher often saw him help the students on duty clean up." In the process of my speaking, more and more small hands were raised, this time, The children's childish voice shows sincere praise. When I asked again, "Is he a good student?" The children's answer of "Yes" resounded throughout the floor. "Children, as long as you can follow a kind heart and live a serious and upward life, you will already be a top student in this answer sheet of life!" The children sat upright, their clear eyes shining, while the boy beside them was already in tears

During one year of living and working in Chongqing, I experienced a series of unprecedented challenges. As a person who "turns pale at the smell of spicy food", it is difficult for me to adapt to the local hot food culture. The water and soil environment that is different from my hometown, and the lingering wet and cold in my body, gradually bring down my physical state. As a teacher, frequent use of vocal cords also made me have to face the trouble of vocal cord edema, even temporary loss of voice. Especially in the second half of the volunteer education, it has become my routine to go to the clinic or hospital every week for medical consultation.

Although the footsteps are slightly heavy due to the twists and turns of health, they never really stop. I know that every child in the five classes has expectations, and my heart also resonates with them, hoping to participate in every moment of their growth.

In my class, many children have ordinary economic conditions at home. How to give them some material and spiritual support on the premise of respecting and protecting their self-esteem has become a question I have been thinking about for a long time. After learning and exploring, I set up a set of points system, so that children can exchange their accumulated points for practical items such as scarves, hats, stationery gift boxes, etc. This not only stimulates the students' enthusiasm for learning, but also meets their basic needs in education and life. Whenever I see the innocent smiles on the children's faces after they receive their beloved small gifts, my heart is more joyful than anything else.

Have you ever regretted it along the way? It is said that none of them is fake. When we look at the lights from afar to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival, we can only sit on a wooden chair and eat mooncakes alone; When the fever is nearly 40 degrees Celsius, but you can only go to the doctor alone; When a music teacher with a vocal music major background lost his voice due to vocal cord fatigue, and took the pills one by one... I had countless moments of regret and even wanted to give up, but every time the children surrounded me, put their soft hands around me, and said again and again, "Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang, I like you" in front of me, No matter how big the storm is, it seems insignificant.

Now, goodbye "to do something unforgettable in a short year", and I feel that there is no language to express my feelings and memories. Northeast Normal University graduate student support group will always be on the way. We will change the weather and nurture our childlike innocence. We will sing along the way! (Yang Mingxin, member of the research group of Northeast Normal University)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong