Meet a group of light chasing children in the west


2024-05-10 16:02:00   Source: China Youth Network   

From my hometown Shanxi to Guizhou, it is love spanning 1500 kilometers. When I first entered Colorful Guizhou, I marveled at the beautiful scenery of the motherland, which was once only available online; Entering Banchang Junior High School in Yanhe Tujia Autonomous County, Tongren City, Guizhou Province, I met a group of lovely children in pursuit of the light and fulfilled our "one-year agreement". Before going to the western part of the country, I hope I can become a beam of sunshine to help the children on the other side of the mountain grow better; When I stepped onto the three foot platform, I found that they were as warm as the sun, opening a new and precious chapter in my life.

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First class begins

As a novice teacher, I spent three months from confusion and melancholy to self remolding, from nervousness and anxiety to natural interaction. I still remember that the first time I walked on the platform was Class 8 (3) at the corner of the fourth floor of Building D. Every step I took in the classroom and every stroke I wrote on the blackboard was rehearsed before class. At ordinary times, I often think about "what kind of teacher do I like in junior high school", imitate the teacher's appearance in memory, try to insert small games to activate thinking, and realize the "closed loop" of education unconsciously.

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Maybe it's because they are close to their age, or because they happen to have a junior high school brother at home, I am more like the "bosom sister" of the children in my spare time. The temperature in autumn and winter in Guizhou fluctuates greatly. Considering that most of the students who live in school cannot know the weather changes in time, I will write the weather forecast for nearly three days on the blackboard every day to remind the children to get dressed in cold weather; When a student has a cold, I will contact the head teacher and parents as soon as possible to help buy medicine during recess; On the day of the class game, I will come to the playground in advance to cheer the young athletes; After self-study in the evening, some students will come to my office on time for after-school tutoring in the evening... It is an inexhaustible friendship between teachers and students to get along day and night.

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Group photo with the children in the class

After the winter vacation, due to the school's teaching arrangements, I was responsible for the geography teaching of the other five classes. I am also a teacher and a friend. I have a hard feeling to part with the children I have taught. When they gather around and ask "Teacher, why don't you teach us" with expectant eyes, sadness and reluctance will linger in my heart... But I know that the meaning of education is to let one cloud promote another, as long as the seeds of hope are sown, Our story will not end.

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"We went into the mountain to let you go out."

I think, like thousands of volunteer teachers, we are thinking about how to help children as much as possible. In combination with the specific situation of the supporting education area, the team built the Post Dream Science House relying on the rural school children's palace, explored the second classroom, and became the "telescope" on the side of the children's mountain.

Lead the students in the foreman to carry out green science and technology innovation teaching activities

Open the album of years, it is the spring, summer, autumn and winter we went through together with the children. We take "green science and innovation" teaching as a carrier to lead children to root green love and technology empowerment awareness in their hearts and deeply rooted in their deeds; In the inspirational speech, I took "To youth, to the west" as the theme to share the stories of previous research groups who traveled thousands of miles to love, so that children can realize that it is the luck and happiness of youth that we can meet in the best years.

On the basis of Post Dream Science Popularization House, my teammates and I actively guided the students of the voluntary education school to participate in the Guizhou Youth Robot Competition, so that they can become their own "magic pen Ma Liang" and be "ferries" for them to go out of the mountains!

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The picture shows the recording scene of the cloud story meeting

In my spare time, I experienced the local conditions and customs of Guizhou in an immersive way during my visit and research, together with the children on the three feet platform to "fight against and upgrade", and unlock the secrets of rural education in research activities... Guizhou, from majestic mountains to turbulent rivers, from rich ethnic culture to unique geographical landscape, shows its unique charm. This year, I am very honored to participate in the recording of the "Learn from Lei Feng" 3 · 5 cloud story meeting organized by the China Youth Volunteer Association, so that more people can see the brilliant chapters we have drawn with the three primary colors of "red, green and blue".

This year, we incarnated as the "magic pen Ma Liang" in the journey of supporting education, and with a sincere heart, we traveled thousands of miles to serve the west. How lucky! The moving melody of "going to the west, to the grassroots, to the place where the motherland needs most" is not only "we", but also countless "I"...... (reporter Li Zijun, correspondent of Li Yanlong)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei