The volunteer teaching time in the western part of the motherland in that year


2024-05-07 15:02:00   Source: China Youth Writers Daily   

   Launch/The Start

People often say, "You don't know the vastness of the motherland until you come to Xinjiang." The one-day flight is enough to show how vast Xinjiang, which has one sixth of the motherland, is. Looking out of the window of the plane, you can see that Tianshan Mountains are "fantastic with mountains and peaks piled up, white and jade inlaid", and the ground is "boundless sand sea". Such as a natural ink painting, I think it is just like this.

Breathing the air full of northwest wind and sand, we arrived at the service place - Atushi City. Enthusiasm and romance were my first impression of Atushi. Atushi was located at the "chicken tail" of the motherland, where the last ray of sunlight passed away. The scenery was romantic with western cities, and people were also simple and enthusiastic. Although "romantic", as a southerner, to really adapt to life here, we have to overcome several difficulties. The first is the time difference. The local time here is almost two hours later than Beijing time. When I first came here, the sky was still bright at 10 p.m. The second is the climate. The typical temperate continental climate makes my mouth dry after standing outside for a few minutes when I first arrived. I never thought that my nose would bleed because of dryness, but I really felt it here. The third is the food barrier. Rice is the staple food in the south, while pasta is the most common food in Xinjiang. While we adapt, we also look for ways to improve.

   On the way

Because it is a normal language major, the school arranged me to teach Chinese in senior one. I still remember that on September 1, we were arranged to meet the new students at the school gate and check their relevant materials. Some students were taller than me. A teacher jokingly said to me, "You look like a student, too." But when checking a student's materials, the student politely said, "Hello, teacher!" I understand that this year, I am no longer a student, but a real teacher.

In the first class, I asked the students to introduce themselves. Looking at their shyness when they introduced themselves one by one, I remembered what I looked like in high school. I think this is the students I bring with me. I will also teach them what I have learned, constantly improve my teaching level, and let them really learn something.

"A teacher is also a person who preaches, teaches and dispels doubts." As a teacher, the most important thing is to impart knowledge to students. Although as a normal student, I also stepped on the platform, but at that time, I didn't need to be as independent as I am now. I still remember that before the first class, I spent the whole night carefully checking the materials and preparing for the class until late at night. The next day, with nervousness and expectation, I walked into the classroom and shouted for the first time: "Class! Good class!"

In order to improve the students' performance, I carefully analyzed the examination papers, found out what they could improve, and talked one by one, and provided specific solutions. In the classroom, we also improve the "interest" of the classroom through various forms, and integrate learning methods and problem-solving ideas into classroom teaching, so that they can learn and use their skills.

In addition to daily school teaching, we also need to participate in local volunteer services and home visits. I remember the first time we participated in a weekend volunteer service project - Red Scarf Small Class. At that time, I told the children about Oracle in the community class. The children answered questions actively, with good results. But because of holidays and other reasons, I didn't go to the community again for a long time. Later, I accidentally participated in an activity of the Youth League Committee, and a clear "Miss Huang" surprised me. It turned out to be a child in the red scarf small classroom. I went to say hello to her. When I saw the child's smiling face, I felt that the sky was blue and the air was clear, and everything was meaningful.

   let me go back

When I wrote this article, spring came and winter went, and the roadside trees on the road of Atushi had also sprouted. It was only two months before the time of farewell. There were too many worthy people and things to remember. Maybe only thanks can express the present mood.

A year is not long, and it may not change much, but as the poet Yeats said: "Education is not to fill a bucket of water, but to light a fire." I hope that more and more children will be able to light the "spark" in this year. After many years, it will be enough for those children to remember that there was a teacher Huang. (Huang Qingquan, member of the 24th Research Group of Jiangxi Normal University)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong