Writing the story of "aesthetic education" under the red plum and apricot trees


2024-04-23 14:44:00   Source: China Youth Network   

"Students, if you want to introduce your hometown's specialties, what would you like to introduce most?" I asked in a class on trademark design of hometown's specialties. "Red plum and apricot!" The students answered with one voice.

In this remote western village, red plum apricot is not only a part of people's daily life, but also the pride and cultural heritage here. Like the red plum and apricot, the children here have unlimited potential and possibility. I care for them like farmers care for red plum and apricot trees, and help them grow healthily and healthily.

In July 2023, I packed my bags and came to Pengyang County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The "formal meeting" with the children was the first self-study evening at the beginning of school. As soon as I stepped into the classroom, I was surrounded by warm applause.

"Teacher, where are you from?" "Teacher, what lessons will you give us?" "Teacher, have you tasted red plum apricots?" Before I could stand firm on the platform, the children couldn't wait to ask a series of questions. "I'm very glad to be your teacher. I will take you on a good comprehensive practical activity class later. I hope we can learn, grow and spend this special time together." I replied. A boy stood up and asked expectantly, "Teacher, will you teach us something interesting?"

At this moment, I deeply felt my responsibility and mission as a volunteer teacher. As an art major student, I set up aesthetic education practice courses to the best of my ability, leading students to experience movable type printing, character evolution, hand drawn fan, font design, and building a beautiful hometown, so as to bring more joy to students on the basis of satisfying their interests. I combine the course with Pengyang's specialty red plum and apricot, and cultivate their love for their hometown by learning trademark design.

Coming here across mountains and seas, I met a group of lovely children. On the way to volunteer teaching, I am not only their teacher, but also their friend and listener. I laugh and grow with them. We are writing our beautiful stories together in this wonderful journey.

Supporting education is not only a short experience, but also an eternal memory. Our story will continue to shine in the long river of time, leaving eternal traces. (Reporter Li Yanlong, Correspondent Ji Wenhui)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei