Meet Dian and reap love and hope


2024-04-15 11:22:00   Source: China Youth Network   

   Key word 1: first encounter

"The south of colorful clouds is the direction of my heart." Since I heard this song when I was young, I (a volunteer of the 25th "Huihan" Postgraduate Volunteer Group of Suzhou University) had a wonderful imagination of the colorful Yunnan. When I packed my bags and embarked on a journey more than 2000 kilometers away from home, I felt uneasy, uneasy about the unknown, and full of expectations for the future.

When the plane passed through the clouds, I saw mountains, blue sky, white clouds, green trees and red flowers, and I suddenly settled down. This is the landscape of Yunnan, a gift from nature. I will start an unforgettable journey here.

When I arrived at Rongcheng Junior High School in Xuanwei City by various means of transportation, I first saw some old school gates. Although the campus space is limited, the tree lined roads and lush gardens all show the connotation of the campus.

I remember that when I first walked into the classroom and saw those childish faces, I felt nervous and excited. Their eyes were full of curiosity and expectation, as if they were saying: "Are you our new teacher? What will you teach us?" Seeing their innocent smiling faces, I strengthened my determination to go all out and give play to light and heat.

   Keyword 2: Challenge

When I learned that I was going to teach chemistry in junior three, I was excited, but at the same time, I was also faced with pressure. I knew that this task was arduous. It is the first time for students to contact chemistry. They are attracted by the wonderful chemical experimental phenomena, but they are also troubled by the complex and abstract chemical knowledge. In this regard, I try to explore the teaching method of teaching with pleasure, and lead them to travel in the ocean of chemistry. I attract students' attention through lively and interesting experiments, guide them to operate experiments and experience the wonderful process of chemical reaction, so as to deepen their understanding of chemical principles. I use multimedia teaching methods, such as animation, video, etc., to visualize abstract concepts so that students can more easily accept and remember them. I also adopted a point reward system in the class to encourage students to carry out healthy competition. I found that students' interest in chemistry has gradually increased, and their enthusiasm for learning has also been improved.

In addition, I also served as a geography teacher in three classes of Junior One. I often prepare lessons late at night with my peers, choose rich pictures and video resources to show the great country, plan wonderful interactive links to stimulate students' interest in learning, and lead students to digest knowledge in a simple and understandable way. The positive feedback from the students made me feel extremely proud as a "non professional" geography teacher.

In the exam last semester, my three geography classes respectively achieved the third, fourth and sixth place in the grade, and the chemistry class achieved the first place in the grade with a breakthrough, which is the result of my joint efforts with the students. There is no limit to the challenge. I will also explore a new subject - biology, hoping to cultivate students' scientific thinking and exploration ability.

   Key word 3: cure

The first time I realized the power of healing was in a teaching of "Huihan · Colorful 4:30" interest course. At that time, I was doing handicrafts with the children. In the laughter, I suddenly heard the student's sigh "I have not been so happy for a long time". At that moment, I suddenly understood that a trivial matter might just heal the child's heart.

In the process of supporting education, I gradually felt that healing is often two-way. Whenever I see students making progress under my guidance and see the light in their eyes, I feel extremely satisfied and happy.

Outside the classroom, students are even more "intimate little cotton padded jacket". They will bring me their handmade flowers; Will put on a blanket for me when I am sick, dispel the pain caused by illness; After class, they would chatter around me, like a group of little larks... They brought me infinite warmth and emotion. I also want to tell the students that you have always been the brightest star in the eyes of teachers.

In the coming days, I will meet more challenges, create more surprises and write more moving stories with the children. (Reporter: Li Yanlong, correspondent: Yao Shiqi)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei