"Teacher, your alma mater is my ideal university!"


2024-04-12 11:41:00   Source: China Youth Network   

Accustomed to the dry climate, and obsessed with the taste of spicy steamed buns, I (a volunteer of the 25th graduate volunteer teaching group of Nanjing Art Institute) have been working in Beicheng Middle School in Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province for more than half a year. Looking back on the past experience of supporting education, there were tensions, fears, expectations and gratification. After many challenges, students and I have achieved self breakthrough and common growth.

In July 2023, as a member of the 25th Nanjing Academy of Arts Graduate School, I boarded the westward train with all of you, came to the northwest, and started a new volunteer journey.

On the way, I have been thinking, what kind of art do the children there like? In what form should I give them art lessons?

   The seed of art takes root downward

When I arrived in Sanyuan County, I had a clear answer in my mind. The history and culture here are rich and the artistic atmosphere is rich. Aren't these local art forms the best subjects for my lectures? Therefore, I set the goal of teaching, to lead the children to use the form of art, with a mind of home, looking at the world.

Zhu Runze is in class. Courtesy of Zhu Runze

Before the start of school, I walked through the alleys of Sanyuan County to explore the local art. The red fist combines hardness with softness, the straw is painted lifelike, and the paper-cut is exquisite. There are countless kinds of arts and works of art here. I combine these precious art forms to write relevant teaching plans and do a good job in teaching courseware. In the class, from the architectural features of Sanyuan City God Temple to the sculpture image of ancient Rome, from the Chinese intangible cultural heritage culture to Sanyuan facial sculpture art, I travel with children in the ocean of art. The students' eyes reveal their desire for knowledge, which makes me feel the sense of mission of teaching.

   The bud of art grows upward

The campus art festival art performance is the most grand activity of Beicheng Middle School. As an art teacher, I have become the main person in charge of the art festival. The festival has built a bridge between children and me to love art.

What impressed me most was that in the program rehearsal of the opening dance, the children had almost no basic knowledge of dance. Under the pressure of study and program rehearsal, some children chose to quit. I gathered them to have a sincere talk in the dance room, encouraging them to stick to their dreams again. After the heart to heart talk, rows of neat figures reappeared in the dance room.

Zhu Runze led the students to rehearse dance programs. Courtesy of Zhu Runze

During the two months of activity preparation, I got closer to the students and became friends. Even if I worked late at night, I didn't feel tired. During the formal performance, I felt extremely warm when watching the children on the stage perform Latin dances, beat drum drums and recite poems. Their earnest eyes are full of love for art. At this moment, we grow together!

   The flower of art blooms centripetally

In addition to teaching, I also served as the publicity work of the school, responsible for writing news releases and shooting short videos. I hope that through my own efforts, more people can see Beicheng Middle School and pay attention to its volunteer service dynamics. At the same time, I also organized students to carry out club activities. On campus, we can often hear the members' impassioned recitation, or the rustling of pencils on the drawing paper, and we can also see their elegant piano playing.

Zhu Runze gives sketch lessons. Courtesy of Zhu Runze

When chatting with students about the future, they always say, "Teacher, your alma mater is my ideal university." I will also answer, "Come on, you can make your dream come true, and then you will come back to serve your hometown!"

At this time, the responsibility in my heart will become heavy. Pursue light, become light, diffuse light, go by light, and pass on iteratively, which may be the significance of supporting education.

Half a year of volunteer teaching has passed. In the new semester, I continue to guide children to find their best selves through art, see their infinite possibilities, and grow up with them in the journey of chasing light. (Reporter Li Yanlong Correspondent Zhu Runze

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei