Youth is not far away from mountains and seas


2024-04-10 11:02:00   Source: China Youth Network   

From Gusu Township, a small bridge with flowing water, to colorful Yunnan (Rongcheng Junior High School, Xuanwei City), I (a member of the 25th "Huihan" Postgraduate Volunteer Group of Suzhou University) crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, set foot on this beautiful land full of stories with enthusiasm, and became a volunteer teacher. Here, I am the "old class" that makes children "scared", the "Mr. Xu" in their mouth, and the omniscient geography teacher in their mind.

   First became an "old class"

When I first stepped into the classroom, the students gathered around me and asked me my name. Faced with those curious and innocent faces, I tried to answer their questions, but my heart was a little nervous. These children's eyes twinkled with infinite longing for the future, which made me feel that my responsibility was great.

However, class management is not easy. I soon found that these children were not as obedient and clever as I imagined. They have not yet formed a good classroom order and code of conduct, always whispering and whispering in class. I try to restrain them in various ways, but often the effect is very little, which makes me feel powerless.

However, every time I see their clear eyes, I will tell myself that I cannot give up. I began to consult other teachers everywhere to find the education method suitable for this group of children. I realized that only by establishing a set of reasonable class rules can we cultivate our tacit understanding and trust. So I discussed with the children and worked out our class rules.

Slowly, the discipline of our class gradually improved and the class atmosphere became harmonious. I am deeply gratified that children have learned to respect and cooperate.

   One soul wakes another soul

In addition to the daily education, I often talk with children. In the dialogue with them, I saw their inner world. Some children suffer from poverty in the corner of life, some feel the helplessness of society in the broken family, and others wander on the unknown journey, wondering where to go. Every soul is a book, and every child has his own story and expectations.

What they desire is far more than the knowledge in books, but also the warm care and direction guidance. Gradually, I established deep friendship with many children and became their confidants who talked about everything. Their inner world is like a treasure, full of endless imagination and creativity. I try my best to listen and understand. I hope to use my story, experience, encouragement and support to light a light for their life journey and illuminate their direction.

   Tamp the weak foundation

In the first English class, I designed a simple test to understand the children's English learning foundation, and found that the children's learning situation was not ideal. I am not discouraged. In order to fill the gap on the basis of students' English, I started with the most basic and simple knowledge and prepared a lot of special knowledge teaching for students, including letters, phonetic symbols, parts of speech, sentence structure, etc. Although the learning process is very difficult, the eyes of children eager to learn make me feel warm.

At the same time, I also noticed the children's alienation and fear of English learning. I know that the way of learning English is not smooth. In order to let children dare to speak and try, I have designed various learning activities to let children feel the charm of English in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Sometimes it is the appreciation of English songs that makes children intoxicated in the beautiful melody and feel the beauty of English rhythm; Sometimes it is a role-playing game to let children naturally use English to communicate and experience the practical application of English in the process of role-playing; An English story meeting will also be held to immerse children in strange and tortuous stories and stimulate their love for English.

As time goes by, children's attitudes towards English learning have changed a lot. From their initial resistance and evasion, they can now pronounce English words in a standard way, read English texts fluently, and express sentences completely and accurately. More importantly, they began to communicate in English and express their thoughts and feelings. All this makes me very happy.

   Walking Encyclopedia

When I first engaged in geography teaching, I faced severe challenges. In order to show the vastness and splendor of the world to the children, I have to spend a lot of time and energy preparing for each geography lesson. I check the data repeatedly to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of knowledge; I elaborately make courseware to turn abstract concepts into vivid pictures; I even learned to draw maps.

My efforts have been rewarded by the children. In class, they trusted me. In their eyes, I became a walking "encyclopedia". Children often ask me: "Teacher, how do you know everything?" This kind of trust makes me more firm in my belief, and I should go forward bravely even though there are many difficulties.

I told them that geography is not only the knowledge in textbooks, but also the broad stage of life, the land under our feet, the world in front of us, and the practice in life; As long as we touch and feel with a sincere heart, the whole universe will open its warm embrace to us and show us its endless mysteries.

I also shared my travel stories with the children. I described to them those picturesque sunrise and sunset, those magnificent snow mountains and grasslands, those quiet and profound lakes and oceans. I told them about the weather beaten cultural landscape, the ancient cities and towns that bear the vicissitudes of history, the art halls that exude cultural flavor, and the streets that are full of life.

At this time, the children's eyes are always bright, as if they have been in those faraway places. I firmly believe that such geographical education can not only enable them to learn knowledge, but also stimulate their curiosity and desire for exploration, so that they can love the world, culture, life and nature.

I know that I am not only their teacher, but also their guide to explore the world. At the foot of Yunling, I not only trained my own education and teaching ability, contributed to rural education, but also realized the responsibility and responsibility of being a CPC member, a people's teacher, and a young volunteer of "benefiting the poor". In the future, I will unswervingly take root in the fertile land of education, so that the fuel of education can be passed down from generation to generation, and the spirit of "Huihan" can continue. (Reporter Li Yanlong, Correspondent Xu Huixing)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei