Concentrate on sowing and waiting for flowers to bloom


2024-04-09 14:35:00   Source: China Youth Network   

In the midsummer of 2023, I set foot on the land of Guizhou. Here, mountains rise and fall, and streams crisscross. Each landscape is full of rich local customs and natural charm that has not been carved. There are not only many legends and stories, but also countless dreams in the mountains. It is in this promising land that my chapter of teaching support has slowly opened.

   Concentrate on sowing and waiting for flowers to bloom

When I first took over the schedule of information technology class, I felt a little uneasy. But when I gently opened the page number of the textbook, those familiar computer nouns and principles, like long lost friends, waved to me kindly, and my panic gradually subsided. I believe that I can teach this course well with my heart.

I carefully prepared the first lesson. In class, I found that students didn't pay enough attention to this course. Some students didn't even bring textbooks, and class discipline was loose. When I gave lectures, there were always students whispering and whispering below. I began to try to reason with them, but the effect was not ideal. At this time, my teacher, Miss Zhang Yan, saw my confusion and gave me valuable advice: "If you don't follow the rules, you can't become a square." She reminded me that the primary task of teaching information technology is to cultivate students' good classroom habits. So, in the second class, I resolutely changed my teaching attitude, changed my gentle image, and seriously formulated classroom rules for them. After a period of effort, the students were gradually able to calm down and listen.

However, new challenges have been put in front of me. The students' understanding of computers is very limited, which makes me realize the seriousness of the problem. Many students have difficulty typing, let alone making an electronic tabloid. Faced with this reality, I realized that I needed to adjust my teaching strategies, starting with the most basic typing. I guided them patiently, and witnessed that they were able to type the whole paragraph smoothly and easily from the very beginning when they were very difficult to type a word. Their progress made me feel heartfelt gratification and joy. With the continuous improvement of their skills, their sense of achievement in the information technology class has gradually increased, their interest has also become stronger, and their attitude to the class has become more focused and engaged.

   Go hand in hand and ride the wind and waves

After the mid-term exam last semester, I took over the teaching of morality and rule of law in Class 8 (6) due to the changes in the school's teaching arrangements. Faced with this sudden task, my heart inevitably felt nervous and confused. In order to adapt to the new teaching role as soon as possible, I started an emergency charging trip. During the day, I constantly consult with experienced teachers to learn their teaching wisdom and skills; At night, I immersed myself in the teaching materials and lesson plans, pondering over how to transform the abstract concept of rule of law into knowledge that students can understand and accept. Every time I study and reflect, I have a deeper understanding and understanding of teaching.

After full preparation, I finally ushered in my first lesson as a teacher of morality and rule of law. When I stood on the platform with confidence, I found that the students seemed to be at a loss in the face of changing teachers, and some students showed obvious resistance. The interaction under the platform was very few, and the atmosphere was particularly dull. The silence and alienation of the students made me feel unprecedented frustration. That night, I was lying in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. I began to reflect on my teaching methods and how to win the trust and recognition of students.

At the end of the information technology class the next day, a student stayed quietly and took the initiative to walk up to me and asked softly, "Teacher, were you unhappy yesterday?" I shook my head, and she gently comforted me, "Teacher, in fact, you spoke very well yesterday, we just need time to adapt, and it will be better." At that moment, my heart warmed, I deeply felt the happiness of being a teacher, and also strengthened my confidence to continue to move forward.

In order to better integrate into the class, I actively learned about the class situation from the head teacher, and at the same time, I asked the former teacher for teaching experience, carefully wrote down various details that need attention in the teaching process, and combined with my own understanding, constantly optimized the teaching plan. I began to explore a variety of teaching methods, add more interactive links, encourage students to express their opinions, and transform the classroom from one-way teaching to two-way dialogue. As time went by, I gradually formed a good understanding with the students, and the classroom atmosphere became more and more dynamic. Seeing these gratifying changes filled my heart with joy.

In the new semester, I will no longer be a teacher of morality and rule of law. Whenever I walk on the campus and meet the children of Class 8 (6), they always ask me with curious and sincere eyes: "Teacher, why don't you give us a lesson?" "We miss you..." These simple and innocent words warm my heart like the sun, and make me feel extremely moved. Although I have established a deep emotional connection with children in just half a year's time together, and my class has come to an end, the precious emotional bond between me and them will never break.

   A commitment to the future

In the process of teaching, I also participated in the second class. The second classroom is a stage for students to show themselves and exercise their ability, and also gives me space to play a guiding role.

As the instructor of the computer society, I try to provide more learning opportunities for students, popularize more computer knowledge as much as possible, and let them know the latest developments and applications in the computer field. At festivals and holidays, I will also organize some special activities to combine traditional culture with computer knowledge. For example, on the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival, I asked students to use computer software to create patterns and paintings with Mid Autumn characteristics. Such activities enable students to feel the charm of traditional culture while learning computer knowledge.

During the Games, I served as the instructor of the broadcasting team, responsible for the selection and arrangement of members of the broadcasting team. This is a challenging and fun task. During the selection process, I found many potential students who love reading and are eager to show their talents. This enthusiastic and positive spirit deeply infected me. In terms of task arrangement, I try my best to let each student play his or her own specialty and try new challenges at the same time. At the sports meeting, the students in the broadcasting group did a good job, and their performance won everyone's applause, which also made me proud.

In the communication with children, I shared my hometown scenery and college life with them, and they listened with great interest. They will also share their dreams with me, so that I can feel their infinite longing and reverie for the future. They are eager to change their destiny through learning, to cross mountains and rivers and see the outside world.

The children's innocent smiles and colorful dreams, as well as their changes and persistence in pursuit of dreams, will encourage me to continue writing youth stories. (Reporter Li Yanlong, Correspondent Wang Yeqing)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei