The folder in the name of volunteer education is full of my joy


2024-04-07 11:34:00   Source: China Youth Network   

I (a member of the 25th Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Graduate Education Support Group) set out from the mouth of the Yangtze River and headed west to the northwest of China. The wings pierced through the clouds, and the land outside the porthole window slowly changed from rivers and villages to mountains and lush vegetation. Soon, the dark yellow soil swallowed up the land with a magnificent momentum, and the feeling of vastness suddenly came to me. I knew that I was getting closer to my destination. The plane slowly landed, and I picked up my luggage and rushed to this unique "youth dating".

At Sanjiangyuan Ethnic Middle School in Qinghai Province, I created a new folder called "Teaching Support" on my computer, where I will keep writing stories with children in the coming year.

   Feel good and try to be better

On September 12, I stood in the classroom for the first time with a physics book in my hand. Before class, I rehearsed the teaching procedure repeatedly in my mind, and kept every teaching detail in mind. The students' positive response in class made me forget my initial tension. The more I talk, the more I get involved. The more I talk, the more vivid I get. I think it's really good to be a teacher!

Qian Xukun is in class. Courtesy of Qian Xukun

But within a few days, the smile on my face disappeared. I sat gazing at the stack of thick exercise books, and a burst of loss and anxiety flooded into my heart. Not many of the 50 assignments are qualified. What should we do?

The old teacher in the office gave me an idea: "At first, we should set up the rules, and then we can get twice the result with half the effort." Later, I sorted out the assignments and talked with the students in batches. I will tell them the knowledge points in class several times, talk about the transformation of classroom knowledge with them, and talk about the reasons for mistakes in homework with them.

The students do physics experiments in class. Courtesy of Qian Xukun

After giving my heart, I saw their efforts and changes in their homework books. Volunteer education is a two-way journey. When I am in it, I see simplicity and purity, learning and progress.

   Wait for the flowers to bloom, and water them carefully

Every child is worth looking forward to, and every student has unlimited possibilities. In the "Volunteer Cup" debate, the students deeply touched me through their wonderful performances. In my eyes, the "minor rascals" would write full argument materials before the game; Be able to articulate their views in the debate field; They will also shake hands and congratulate each other after deciding the outcome, and agree to see you again in the Jianghu. Their eyes are shining with stars.


Members of the research group took a group photo with the students who participated in the final of the debate contest. Courtesy of Qian Xukun

In addition to the teaching support work, I also participated in the school's education work, in-depth exchanges with students, and discussed the general direction of life. During the heart to heart talk, the student told me persistently and firmly that in the future, she would like to be a policeman like her father. When inspecting the dormitory, the student generously showed me his souvenirs, and his words were full of longing for the vast world. I encourage children to create their own wonderful future through their unremitting efforts.

Light the burning stars with light. On the way of teaching support, I studied and shared my teaching experience with my partners, filmed a propaganda film under the scorching sun, discussed the activity plan, and worked together to light up a bright tomorrow for children. I will always remember these lovely children, the beautiful girl who practices drawing hard, and the naughty bags who run to the playground with basketball after class. To approach children, listen to their stories, observe their advantages, and help them know better themselves is the meaning of my volunteer education.

Looking back on the past year, I think that I have found the answer to this journey to the west: cherish every encounter, firm every choice, pay every true love, and growth will happen quietly in the heart to heart touch. (Reporter Li Yanlong, Correspondent Qian Xukun)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei