With love in mind, you can meet angels on your way


2024-03-26 09:19:00   Source: China Youth Writers Daily   

   Surprise and fantasy

"It's Guizhou!" When I saw the list assigned by the research group, I turned over from my bed excitedly. What will Guizhou look like? I heard Guizhou is a summer resort? What is my student union like? What subjects will I take? Should I be a gentle teacher or a strict teacher? Should I greet my classmates with a smile when I first enter the classroom, or should I go to class with a straight face? That afternoon, my thoughts had already flown to Guizhou with all kinds of questions, and I even imagined the scene of tearful farewell with students at the end of volunteer teaching

   Volunteer teaching career started

He Runqing is in the first lesson of school.

When the high-speed railway keeps drilling through tunnels and the low hills in front of me become mountains that I have never seen before, I understand that this is where I will struggle for a year. On the first day of school, I was assigned to the first grade. The children came into the classroom with school bags that were about to be bigger than their own. The parents looked at their children at the door of the classroom and kept telling them. Many parents came to talk with me, saying a dialect that I had never heard before. I could only roughly understand the meaning of parents from some words that I barely understood.

A very small student's parent said to me: "Teacher, my child is smart, even though he is small. The kindergarten teachers praise him for his intelligence." I nodded, a little confused. "He is very smart. Although he is small, his brain is very flexible." He said again. At this time, my class teacher Qiao came, and he said these words to teacher Qiao twice.

"Teacher, the children will be handed over to you. I have no culture, so I will trouble you to educate more." "Teacher, if the children do not obey, you should be strict with them. We are not afraid of being strict with you, please." At this moment, I have the most real feeling about the identity of a teacher. From now on, I am the teacher of more than 40 children, A sense of responsibility arises spontaneously.

   Exchange love for sincerity

After many adjustments, I became a Chinese teacher in Class 3 (1). In this class with many left behind children, love and care are the most precious things. In my class, there is a student who is special. His acceptance ability is much weaker than that of other children. When he was in the third grade, he could not write and recognize words, and he did not know basic Pinyin. In class, he always immerses himself in his small world with his head down. Sometimes he wants to read with everyone, but he doesn't know where to start. Seeing this, I decided to tutor the student alone. While other students are doing exercises, I always give this student a "small kitchen sink". Starting with the simplest Chinese characters, gradually he can read ancient poems with me and write new words in his notebook.

His state in school has also changed. He no longer plays with his head down like before, but looks at the teacher carefully. Although his learning ability and achievements are still far from those of other students, and he cannot write those complex characters in writing class, he carefully writes every box that can be painted red. To my surprise, he waved to me every day after school and said "goodbye, teacher". Every time he sees me in the corridor, even if we are far away, he will walk through the crowd to salute me and say "Hello, teacher". His voice was really low, but every "goodbye, teacher" and "good teacher" echoed in my heart. I always respond to him with a smile. My heart is very happy. I think this is the sincerity of love and company. Children's world is very innocent. In their innocent world, exchanging sincerity for sincerity is the simplest and most meaningful way.

   Win trust with encouragement

There was a little girl who was always laughed at by other students because of her freckles on her face, and even gave her a nickname. When she musters up the courage to raise her hand in class and causes discussion among students due to wrong answers, she always covers her ears quickly and buries her head between her arms. Because of this, she has been unable to raise her interest in learning. She has not finished her homework for several times, and I have criticized her many times. It was not until she wrote in her weekly journal that she felt very sad because of the ridicule of her classmates that I realized how much I should encourage this student and encourage her in front of the whole class. Not only she, but also other introverted children, I try to make them play some important roles in my class. For example, when I need to send homework, I always ask them to help teachers. They are very happy to do this "job".

These children, who often get encouragement and opportunities, are more and more fond of Chinese lessons, and more and more lively and cheerful. In class, they hold their hands highest; After class, they are always willing to talk about interesting things with my classmates around me. They will take the initiative to help me collect all my homework, put it neatly on the platform, and quietly put a fruit candy beside it. They will say goodbye to me loudly after school and leave me a bouncing figure

With less and less time to spend with children, I cherish every lesson more and more, every time I take them to run, every time they say hello to me, and every time I wave goodbye to them after school. Because one day more than a month later, after saying "goodbye, teacher", I really have to say goodbye. I don't know when I will see you again. Children, I teach you knowledge and truth. You give me endless light and beauty. You make me believe that my choice is extremely correct. Children, I wish you to move forward vigorously every day and wish you all the best. (He Runqing, member of Guizhou Team of the 24th Research Group of Suzhou University)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong