Never leave the green mountains, accompany and share


2024-03-25 09:27:00   Source: China Youth Writers Daily   

From Chongqing to Beijing and then to Guizhou, I walked out of the mountains on all sides and returned to the mountains on all sides. Before leaving, mountains are shackles and obstacles; After returning, the mountain is the call and the original heart. Go to the podium and pick up the chalk. This is how the story between Xi Shui and me unfolds.

   Go and pick the stars that are far away

"I hope our Chinese class is super interesting!" "I hope Miss Liu can take us into the top three this semester!" This is the first day of school, the children's expectations of me.

When I learned that I would be the head teacher, I was very nervous. Fortunately, there are experienced teachers to help. With their help, Dong Han, my little partner of the research group, and I solved the problems of class committee appointment and seating arrangement step by step. In order to encourage children to actively participate in the classroom, we also set up a special point system. The class takes on a new look. The results in the class are not high in the grade, but the children's upward heart is extremely firm. We jointly agreed on the class message: Go and pick the stars that are far away. In the vast universe, our light can reflect each other.

   Those who have enough happiness in the middle do not know how to serve others with words and bodies

In a classroom exchange, we talked about "happiness". XiaoA took the lead in saying: "I am very happy. My mother picks me up and sends me to school every day. I can eat delicious food and buy toys every day. If I can play games on weekends, I will be even happier."

The whole class was amused by Little A's speech, but Little B stood up and said, "I'm also very happy. Although I can't eat delicious food every day, I can't buy the toys I want to play, and I can only look at them eagerly when they play games, but I don't envy them at all. Because my parents love me, I study hard every day, which is my happiness." The classroom was quiet, Everyone was touched. The words in the textbook gradually coincide with the voice of Little B, "Yu Zeqiang has no lust in the middle of his clothes. Those who have enough fun in the middle do not know that the mouth and body are not like people." The closed loop of education is completed at this moment, and at that moment I really felt the significance of education and reading.

   Vigorous growth, comfortable as wind

I like reading students' diaries because they are lively and thoughtful; Through the words, I can see the spirits in the mountains.

Xiaohan wrote in his diary, "Mr. Liu, we found you on the Internet. Your graduation photos are beautiful, and Beijing Normal University is also beautiful! I also want to go to Beijing to study in the future!" I could not help laughing and wrote: "Thank you, your words are as beautiful as people! I believe you can go to Beijing!" Xiaotian asked me in his diary, "What is the purpose of your efforts? What is the purpose of learning?

I thought for a long time and wrote carefully: in order to see the broader world, and to have the right to choose freely. I hope we can all grow vigorously and be as comfortable as the wind. Finally, let's end with a sentence in the text - in the story of Dashan and I, there are many beautiful people and beautiful things, which are as intricate as a day's brocade, and thousands of meteors are flying. The story is always vivid, always unfolding, and never ending. (Liu Jingxi, member of the 25th Beijing Normal University Graduate Education Support Group)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong