The instant of teaching helped heal the former self


2024-03-25 09:38:00   Source: China Youth Network   

When the student's performance is not ideal, the teacher after 00 will tell the parents, "The 'stupid child' who is lagging behind temporarily needs the parents' hug more"; When misunderstood the students, the teachers after 00 will sincerely prepare small gifts and say sorry to the students; When students sit in a corner and think they are ignored, the teacher after 00 will prepare a special note, which reads, "No matter where you sit, it will not affect the shining you".

"The post-00s are the generation most suitable for educating children", this popular search term has received much discussion. People say that the post-00s seem to love others in the way they want to be loved. As volunteers of the post-00s graduate volunteer group, it seems that we are also educating and influencing our students with the kind of education we desire. Unconsciously, in this process, the "I" is also being cured.

"The moment he wiped away his tears, I healed myself." In high school, I was a monitor, trying to help teachers share their fatigue and help students solve their difficulties. Although I received a lot of recognition, as a student cadre, I also suffered a lot of grievances, unable to tell others, and difficult to get empathy and understanding. One day, I stood on the platform and devoted myself to class. I saw the students in the class "passing notes". "Who first passed the notes? Where did they start?" I asked. No one in the class admitted. I could not help but be angry because of the dishonesty and impoliteness of the students and stopped teaching. After a while, the monitor of the class stood up and "admitted" that he had passed it first, so that I would not be angry. After class, I talked to the monitor to ask why. The monitor didn't say a word. After a long time, he explained: "Teacher, I didn't actually pass it on, but no one admitted that I was the monitor. If I admit it, you will no longer be angry." Then his tears began to fall. At that moment, I felt his responsibility and responsibility, and understood his grievances and sadness. "As a student leader in the class, you need to take a lot of responsibilities, but not all responsibilities without principles." I told him the truth that I learned in growing up. He nodded as if he understood and quietly wiped away his tears. Later, the student who passed the note came to me in the office, admitted his mistake and realized that the monitor's hard work was not easy. In this boy, I can see who I used to be. Those who work hard for the collective will eventually be trusted and loved by everyone.

"The moment they raised their arms, I cured myself." In high school, I was a girl in the liberal arts class. One of the characteristics of liberal arts classes is the "serious imbalance between men and women". It is common to have fewer boys and more girls. It seems that teachers will unconsciously pay more attention to the "minorities" in the class. At that time, I felt that I was not concerned, afraid of being misunderstood, and often did not dare to express myself. I seldom took the initiative to answer questions in class. When I became a volunteer teacher and learned that I wanted to teach the liberal arts class, I made up my mind to encourage students to express themselves boldly, especially girls. In class, I often ask questions. During the interactive Q&A, I understand their ideas, care about their doubts, and dispel their fears. Gradually, the classroom atmosphere is very active. Later, I gave a lecture on "Hongyi Lecture", and the students in my class were my most loyal audience. On that day, the boys actively answered the questions. All the girls, without exception, raised their arms and sang "When Is the Moon?" loudly with me... On that day, I said goodbye to myself, who often hid in the corner, and held the children's hands to embrace a better myself.

"The moment I sent the book to the children, I cured myself." When I returned home from winter vacation, I sorted out the books and materials of high school and inadvertently found the "College Entrance Exam Motivation Literature" I bought at that time. When I was in high school, I worked hard, but my grades were mediocre, and I was often discouraged and disappointed. I wanted to read some true inspirational stories of college entrance examinees to encourage myself. As a result, my schoolwork was busy, and my perseverance was insufficient. Those who opened the envelope did not read it carefully, and there were still many people who did not open the envelope, maintaining a "new" state. In retrospect, I understand myself very well at that time. The 18-year-old who is eager to change but always on the way is full of entanglement and confusion about the word "hard work". Until today, I seem to have just been able to understand the true meaning of "hard work". It seems that we need to climb over one "wave mountain" after another, so "hard work" should not be synonymous with a certain stage, it is a long-term process, should be our habit. Standing on the platform today, I will not tell students that "it will be easy after the college entrance examination", but to share with them that "the road forward is always not easy, and efforts are not achieved overnight". They may not understand it now, but I think they will have similar feelings with me one day in the future. I take those books as gifts, hoping that the college entrance examination stories I have never read can inspire the current TA.

Volunteer education is a journey to pass love and temperature. The love, transformation and regret we have gained in the process of our own growth are like colored eggs, which have turned into surprises and nutrients for students' growth in today's volunteer education. Students are like a mirror. The outside of the mirror is the present, and the inside of the mirror is the past. At the moment when we completed the education of the TA, we also completed the closed loop of our own education. We cured our former self, as well as many "ourselves" at present.

Author: Wang Minghao, a volunteer of the 25th Postgraduate Volunteer Group of Harbin Normal University, is currently serving the No. 1 High School in Altay, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong