"Report to my alma mater that I will go to the west of China!"


2024-03-22 09:04:00   Source: WeChat official account "Western Volunteer Exchange"   

"Report to my alma mater that I will go to the western part of the country as a volunteer of the Western Plan to contribute my youth!" This is the solemn pledge I made to all teachers and students in the graduation ceremony in the summer of 2023, standing on the podium in my bachelor's uniform.

   Be a watchman with mud on his feet

During my college years, I spent four years of summer and winter vacations in more than 30 villages, and witnessed the poverty alleviation and rural revitalization bit by bit.

When I first came to Ningxia, I was not familiar with the local conditions, customs, living habits, and spoken dialects. The change of environment gave me a rude challenge. However, in the process of preaching and teaching by the seniors, I began to walk into communities, villages, masses and life, and carried out more than 10 activities such as research and exchange on industrial revitalization, care and sympathy for young people in need. The villagers kindly said to us, "Thank you for coming all the way to Huinong and serving it."

   Be a willing ox serving the youth

Young people are always new, and they are also the best at being new. I and other volunteers combined their professional expertise to jointly plan and create a youth development county brand of "I paint youth on the Yellow River bank", and simultaneously produced and launched a series of products such as animation, clothing, and surrounding cultural and creative products. At the same time, during the winter vacation, as one of the principals of the social practice of returning home, he presided over and planned the special session of "Youth Benefiting Farmers · Home Promoters". With the cooperation and support of multiple departments, he successfully held a series of activities, such as the University Student Growth Forum, the Challenge of College Student Home Promoters, and the short video collection of "Hi, Here is Benefiting Farmers". The relevant videos are shaking New media platforms such as video number have exceeded 300000 readers and 20000 likes, which are well received by young friends. I also have a deeper understanding and feelings for Huinong in the process of seeking, listening to and telling stories.

One of my main tasks is to do a good job in the "Green Brand" brand. I have also forged a deep friendship with "Flame Blue" in my work. I focused on the establishment of the youth commando of Hongguozi Fire Rescue Station "Qingshan Town", reported the rescue stories of fire fighters, told about the fish and water situation of firefighters and the masses, and carried out the "Fire Open Day" experience activity to let everyone know about fire fighting knowledge and experience fire fighting equipment. The commando was finally rated as one of the six "benchmark youth commandos" in the autonomous region in 2023.

   Be a recorder in the printing era

"Three watch accompanied by a solitary lamp, and five watch heard the crowing of chickens" is the best portrayal of the writing work. In order to understand the grammatical features of the summary, I read the annual magazine of the Chinese Communist Youth League, collected the summary materials from various units, selected the relevant parts for learning, and then examined and demonstrated word for word. The manuscript with more than 1500 words was written for nearly half a month, revised 10 times before it was finally finalized, and was finally rated as an excellent project by the Ningxia Communist Youth League.

Looking back, I found that I was familiar with the relevant work in the shortest time, and even became a semi expert in some aspects. I learned the power of words and refined the depth of thought in the process of thinking, understanding and advancing.

   Be a volunteer marching towards green

It was once said here that "it is more difficult to plant a living tree than to raise a baby at the foot of Helan Mountain". When I first heard that, I thought about the difficulty of planting trees, but when I started, I found that there were many difficulties. The boundless wasteland is full of sand and dust in the wind, which makes people shake from side to side. Soon, the mouth and nose are full of sand. When the shovel goes down, it gets stuck in the soil pile but does not move. It can only shovel out a shovel of sand and stone from the gap to bury the saplings

That day, I planted a tree for the first time and took a picture with it. At that moment, I really understood how to practice the volunteer spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress" with practical actions, and truly understood the ecological protection significance of marching into the Gobi Desert and retreating from the desert.

After a thousand sails, he is still a teenager. Half a year is short, but 241 days and nights alternate, and I completed the transformation from "questioner" to "respondent" in the refining of serving the grassroots. With the mind of "the greatest person in the country", I will always live up to my youth in the morning, wash my lead in the prosperity, and strive to write the youth style of young volunteers serving the west.

Author: Zhu Haokun, a volunteer of the 2023 Western Plan, is currently serving the Huinong District Committee of Shizuishan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong