The children slipped a letter of apology


2024-03-20 09:09:00   Source: China Youth Network   

   Meet, suddenly in the painting fan

Time is often more rapid in a specific experience. In the twinkling of an eye, half of my teaching career is over, and I can remember it clearly. Time went back to the moment when I just entered the gate of Taijiang No. 1 Middle School. At that time, I had just left my alma mater, said goodbye to my teachers and friends, and reluctantly said goodbye to my parents. I came to the southwest corner of the motherland alone. I didn't know what experience I would have next. With curiosity and expectation, I opened my teaching support road, and the story began.

Sitting in a green car for 30 hours and traveling all the way to Guizhou, I came to this place that I had been expecting for a long time. The green mountains and green waters within reach are as green as a screen, with layers of peaks and clear sky. It is so beautiful that you can easily take a picture of it as poetic and picturesque. The beauty of nature shows infinite charm.

Three feet platform, a plain pen, "class", "stand up" and "good teacher". Finally, I learned my teacher's appearance and stood on the platform. I also talk to my teachers day after day about what they told me in middle school.

It is often said that "reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles". I went to the place where my motherland needs most. Reading books for many years is the time to pay, but it is also the first time in 20 years that I really began to teach and educate people. There is little I can do, but my heart is burning. I firmly believe that "it is like a faint flame, making a torch into a sun". Although the firefly is small, I would like to be its light. More than 90% of the students in the school are Miao and Dong, and the children have a weak foundation. I deeply feel the importance of education and teachers. In the daily life with them, I see the responsibility and power of education.

   Know each other: warm and smiling

In order to foster a learning atmosphere, I often prepare small candies, homework stickers, and certificates of merit to improve children's enthusiasm. Every time they do their homework carefully and hand it in on time, I will give them some rewards. I often say to the children, "As long as you want to learn, the teacher will be there." Once when I finished my homework, Yuhui in the class said to me, "Teacher, you don't need to stick stickers on my homework." I said, "Why, don't you want it?" He said, "Teacher, I have drawn several pictures for myself!" I was very happy when I heard about it. It's fun to be with the children.

As the stars and frost fly by, I become acquainted with the children day by day. They are like cute and lively elves. They will come to the office to learn from me during the lunch break; When there are difficulties in life, they will also come to me for help; He would ask me for candy and stickers with a playful face; Play games and chat together in free time

What impressed me most was that when I was walking on the campus road, Xinyi in the class leaned over my back from behind and hugged me to talk to me. At the moment when the small body was attached, my heart trembled with warmth. My relationship with the children was getting closer and closer unconsciously, and we valued and accompanied each other.

At this point, thoughts came to my mind one by one. It turned out that my feelings with them had already been abandoned. I enthusiastically record everything with the children, and use the lens to retain time, so that the beautiful picture can be frozen in the picture and become an eternal treasure.

   Teacher: willing to burn candles into ashes

After the mid-term exam last semester, I reviewed the students' post exam reflections, and the messy fonts on the book revealed the children's sincerity. I listened carefully to their voices, found their shortcomings in learning, and constantly adjusted their teaching methods to let more children understand and learn through. The reflection written by children is very interesting. Some students responded to my comments in reflection, some students thought their reflection was disorderly and copied again, some students

On November 16, 2023, I told the first public class in my teaching career, and I was sure of my nervousness. But after the open class, the teachers gave me great encouragement and affirmation. "I strongly recommend you to be a math teacher". Director Yang of the Education and Science Department also made suggestions on my future development, which made me more confident to stand on the platform and be a good teacher.

The task of teaching seventh grade mathematics is easy, but the teaching pressure is high. I often worry about their learning situation, afraid that they will not lay a good foundation and fail to live up to the trust of the school leaders and parents... At the final review stage, each batch of examination papers collapsed. Obviously, it is the knowledge points repeatedly emphasized, but there are still many students who will not make mistakes on the paper. I fell into deep self doubt and anxiety before the exam. Maybe the students were tired of reviewing every day, and the discipline of self-study that night was very bad, so I couldn't help crying. At that time, I felt a little powerless, but I felt much better when I released it. The next day, I came back to life again as if I had beaten chicken blood, and started teaching with enthusiasm. Surprisingly, the children also quietly sent me a letter of apology, which made me feel warm.

In the past six months, my thoughts have matured a lot. The question of "What is the significance of supporting education?" gave me a deeper understanding. I think the significance of volunteer teaching is not reflected in how many students can remember themselves, but how many people can be influenced by volunteer teaching. The middle school era is very beautiful. In such a beautiful period, it is rare to have a big brother and sister to guide them to set up ideals and clarify goals through volunteer education. Think about yourself. How much educational knowledge do you know when you are a new teacher? How much is your knowledge reserve? Just persevere day after day, and make progress with students with sincerity and efforts.

   Keeping together: Every little bit of time is engraved on the heart

During my time in Taijiang as a volunteer teacher, I am very grateful for the platform provided by the school and the care it has always given us. The sentence "Donglin is always your strong backing" makes us feel warm. Thanks to the Taijiang Youth League County Committee and the leading teachers of No. 1 Middle School for their help and support, so that our teaching support work can be carried out smoothly. Thanks to the three young friends who volunteered with me in No. 1 Middle School. For six months, we have been living and eating together, working together, getting along day by day, and understanding each other. You have made a great contribution to my volunteer education career. Finally, thanks to my family and friends who have always supported and encouraged me, so that I can walk on the front line of teaching with high morale and enthusiasm every day!

I want to say that although this love and this fate can only end with leaving, I'm glad to meet you in a simple student age, and I will always miss you in my heart! Although I criticized you and felt angry or dissatisfied with you, I never regretted being your teacher. You are always the most lovely and excellent students in my heart! May my children always be sincere, kind, brave and sincere!

Author: Han Jing, a volunteer of the 25th postgraduate teaching group of Northeast Forestry University, is currently serving in the No. 1 Middle School of Taijiang County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong