Let the left behind children "lose their love"


2024-03-08 10:19:00   Source: China Youth Network   

With the warm sun in early spring, Guihe Primary School in Beibei District of Chongqing welcomed a group of special guests. They are associate professor Chen Wei and his team from Southwest University, focusing on the psychological research of left behind children. With great enthusiasm, they sent a life education activity to the left behind children here. Chen E, a member of the 26th Research Group of Southwest University, is a very attractive figure in this activity.

   The spiritual healing in dancing lights up the light of hope for the left behind children

Chen E's childhood experience of staying at home made her deeply resonate with the loneliness, expectation, sensitivity and anxiety of these children. Therefore, when planning the event, she put in many expectations and visions, hoping to bring a little comfort to the children.

"The first thing is not to label him as a left behind child, but to respect him, not to treat him with a high attitude, and not to touch his sensitive places." Chen E knows that for left behind children, sympathy and labels cannot really comfort their hearts. What they really want is to be deeply understood and sincerely accepted, as well as the warmth and care that can touch the heart. Admittedly, every child is a unique existence in the universe. Chen E, like an emissary wiping the stars, warms the loneliness of children and brightens their expectations with love as a guide.

Chen E led the children to complete the dance rhythm Chasing Dreams with Love through the cooperation of partners. This dance is not only beautiful and energetic, but more importantly, it conveys an emotional resonance. She uses her own experience and perception to make the rhythm closer to the inner world of the left behind children. Chen E showed the children how to compare their hearts. She put her hands together and touched her fingertips gently to form a heart. The children followed suit one after another. Although the hearts were different in size, each was full of sincere feelings. When the music was getting better, the children still opened their hearts and hugged each other tightly according to Chen E's guidance. Their arms surround each other's shoulders, as if to melt all loneliness and insecurity into this warm embrace. With the deepening of the dance, the children's faces burst into bright smiles. They seem to forget their loneliness and anxiety, and devote themselves to this dance world full of love and warmth. In this process, Chen E always smiles. She knows that these seemingly simple actions are of great significance to left behind children. The joy and warmth of this moment will always be a good memory in children's hearts.

   Emotional consolation in picture books to paint a warm background for left behind children

The temporary warmth, affection and care are precious, but for these children, what they desire more is the kind of lasting and sincere company. When the children asked Chen E whether she would accompany them all the time in a tender voice, she did not perfunctory them with empty promises, but sincerely told them that although she could not stay for a long time, there would be more brothers and sisters to take her place and continue to give them love and protection. Because true love is not a short-term charity, but a long-term company and protection.

Chen E carefully selected a picture book with the theme of "love and being loved". The little kangaroo in the book, who is attached to his mother and unwilling to leave, mirrors the strong and persistent yearning of the left behind children for their mother. The children listened attentively to Chen E's story, their eyes shining with expectation for the development of the story. With the progress of the story, a strong atmosphere of yearning and helplessness spread among the children. A boy in the corner bowed his head and whispered in a tender voice: "My parents came back only once in three years and left after a few days. Do they dislike me?" The words revealed deep loneliness and longing for family affection. Chen E was keenly aware of the boy's mood swings. She walked gently to the boy, gently took his hand, gently comforted and guided the boy to look back at the butterfly in the picture book. Under the patient guidance of Chen E, the boy gradually raised his head, opened his heart and bravely expressed his feelings and thoughts. Chen E's tenderness and care, like the warm spring breeze, warmed the children's hearts and made them feel the warmth of home and the power of companionship. This life education activity not only enables children to gain knowledge and skills, but also makes them feel the happiness of being understood, cared for and loved.

It is the common responsibility of the whole society to give the left behind children a warm harbor and let them have a good childhood. Southwest University has gone deep into the school community for five consecutive years, improving the quality of care services for left behind children, and continuously stimulating the social responsibility and contribution initiative of volunteers. In the past five years, young volunteers have not only left a deep impression on children's hearts, but also engraved their firm commitment to social responsibility in their hearts. Looking forward to the future, the new graduate student support group of the school will also shoulder the mission and resolutely go to the western regions to grow up with the left behind children. The school will also bring together the great power of families, governments, schools and all sectors of society, deliver the warmth of deep feelings, and nourish the seedlings of society. (Contributed by the 26th Southwest University Research Group)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong