I am the "King of Huaguo Mountain"


2023-04-03 09:23:00   Source: WeChat official account "CUPL Research Group"   

Looking back on the teaching experience of about half a year, we can see no difficulties and hardships, but full of surprises and happiness. Thanks to the fate that let me meet the children, we grew up in laughter.

   "Huaguo Mountain" and Emergencies

Before I came here, I expected to be a junior high school teacher. Unexpectedly, the school's teaching arrangement has changed. The school arranges me to teach the first grade Chinese class in primary school. I just seem to rush to the shelf and give the children a good introduction to Chinese with my "very standard" Mandarin.

However, I underestimated the difficulty of teaching children. Before class, although I made adequate psychological preparation, I was caught off guard by the children's performance. From the moment I entered the classroom, I felt as if I had come to the "Flower and Fruit Mountain". The children were lying, lying, standing and running in the classroom, but they were unwilling to sit honestly on the bench. I can only start from scratch, teach them the basic requirements of class, tell them to listen carefully to what the teacher says, raise your hand before speaking in class, knock on the door before entering the room, greet the teacher when you see him, and say goodbye after class. In order to make children understand and remember well, I also compiled these rules into a pithy formula and sang them. I always believe that it is more important for children to develop good learning habits and correct learning attitude at this stage than how much knowledge they have learned. With the constant adaptation to these "little monkeys", I have less time to practice "Hedong Shihou" in class every day. Instead, a novice college student slowly "grows" into the "king of Huaguo Mountain".

In addition to the classroom discipline that needs to be constantly rectified, what is more difficult for me, a novice teacher, to deal with is many unexpected "emergency" events that occur in the classroom and outside the classroom, including nosebleeds, vomiting, falling off a stool, etc. At first, I was panicked when facing such a situation, but as the number of treatments increased, I was able to handle it skillfully and efficiently: quickly roll the paper roll to block the child's bleeding nostrils, let the child raise his head and take him to the clinic; After dealing with the child's vomit in two minutes, she calmly went to class, and even quickly helped the children who just walked out of the toilet to tidy up their clothes. I gradually understand the hard work and difficulty of teaching. Every seemingly omnipotent teacher was once a green and immature novice.

   The Story of Chinese Teacher and Lei Feng

Before teaching, I always thought that the teaching of Chinese was not difficult, but I found my shallowness after work. Due to the large gap between the local dialect and Putonghua, children have been facing various challenges since learning Pinyin. With the deepening of learning content, I have more clearly realized that due to the lack of resources, children's vocabulary is also very scarce. Therefore, in the process of daily teaching, I will use more methods such as picture display to show the scenery outside the Luliang Mountain, constantly broaden their horizons, enrich their vocabulary, integrate the mystery of Chinese characters into the classroom games, and let children learn while playing. Watching the children make progress day by day, I sincerely feel gratified and proud.

In addition to classroom teaching, I sometimes teach children some knowledge other than books. What impressed me most was a small incident that happened on March 3. In order to let the children know about Lei Feng's deeds and feel Lei Feng's spirit, I led the children to pick up litter on the school playground at noon, watered the young trees on the campus, and gave them a brief account of Comrade Lei Feng's deeds. I am surprised at the changes that have taken place in the children through this day's activities. When I sent the children out of school at night, I found a little girl bent down and picked up all the rubbish on her way home. She may not understand the connotation of Lei Feng's spirit, but I can see the shining side of Lei Feng's spirit in her.

   Machine repair workers and game partners

For these first grade children, the teacher who has always accompanied them in school plays the role of parents to some extent, and in their minds, they must also think that the teacher is as omnipotent as their parents. Therefore, in addition to giving them lessons at ordinary times, I also serve as a repairman, tailor, "judge", "toilet paper manufacturer" and other identities to help them adjust the height of their stools, repair the torn trouser legs, mediate the conflicts between them and help them wipe off the snot that has flowed to the corners of their mouths. I think that for some children in the class who lack parents' attention in their daily life, school education and teachers' care should to some extent make up for the lack of family education. As a teacher, I can never replace the parents of children, but I think I can try my best to act like parents, so that children can continue to grow in the education of love.

In fact, for these young children, it is their nature to like to play. As their teacher, I don't want their childhood to be occupied by learning day after day. Outside classroom teaching, I often take the lead in organizing children to have some games and be their playmates and big friends. I will also take the children to experience some games related to the classroom teaching content that are beneficial to the body and mind. For example, after explaining the words and playing chess, I bought a set of chess and a set of go at my own expense to guide the children to appreciate the Chinese culture hidden in the square; Another example is to organize children to carry out tug of war after explaining the lesson "How to be happy", and to realize the truth that "unity is strength" in practical activities. These various activities not only enrich the children's campus life, close the relationship between me and the children, but also enable them to intuitively understand the meaning of the knowledge taught in the classroom.

The days of volunteer teaching were dull and full of surprises. At the end of the writing, the voices of "little monkeys" calling for reports came from the door. I knew that I was about to start the next "adventure", but I had already adapted to this life, skillfully pushed the door open, and followed this group of future hopes to move towards the next sunny spring together. (Member of the 24th Research Group of China University of Political Science and Law, serving Shilou County, Shanxi Province.)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong