245 bouquets of flowers for the last lesson


2022-07-19 15:34:00   Source: WeChat official account "Sichuan Normal University"   

Recently, the Puge team of the 23rd Postgraduate Volunteer Group of Sichuan Normal University completed its one-year volunteer work and returned to Chengdu on July 10. Before leaving, Wang Yuhong, a volunteer of the research group, made a flower for every girl in the class and a bouquet of flowers with lollipops for every boy to bless the children. "I hope that every boy and girl can live in the sunshine on the road full of flowers, and flowers will bloom all the way, and they will live a brilliant life."

In the last class, when the children received the gift from Mr. Wang, they cried their eyes red.

   "I was born in a mountain, and naturally I want to go back to the mountain"

In July 2021, as a member of the 23rd Sichuan Normal University Graduate School, Wang Yuhong took his bags and went to the beautiful Liangshan Mountain, the hot spot of his heart. Coming out of the countryside, she knew that it was difficult for students in mountainous areas to study, so she decided to return to the mountains to teach.

Puge's landscape

In the first lesson, the children were curious about Wang Yuhong, a volunteer of the research group. The most frequently asked question was "Mr. Wang, where are you from?" When hearing this question, Wang Yuhong, who grew up in a mountain village, had many feelings. When she was young, her parents went out to work and left her to live with her grandparents. Wang Yuhong knew that children in mountain villages yearned for knowledge. When she was young, she used to read over and over again by the river in her hometown with a book of fairy tales she picked up. She also used to recite the text in tears under the dim lights in the countryside. She also used to write her dreams one after another in the rape fields in spring with dew.

Along the way, there are twists and turns that only you can understand. "I was born in a mountain, and naturally I want to go back to the mountain. Although I walked barefoot all the way, I want the children to have an umbrella to cover and a beam of light to chase." Wang Yuhong said about the reason why he wanted to come to Puge to teach in Liangshan.

   Education is a two-way journey of love

Wang Yuhong's First Open Class

When Daohuang, Wang Yuhong stood on the three feet platform she loved. She kept trying and exploring to stimulate more learning interests of Liangshan children: make full use of the first five minutes of class to play political videos for children to attract their attention; Consolidate in time after class and write down today's notes in your notebook; When correcting homework, draw a "little red flower" for each child who has completed better homework Wang Yuhong led the children forward step by step.

Slowly, a boy caught her attention.

He is thin and small.

"Why don't you do the short answer questions?" Wang Yuhong was a little angry when he looked at the blank spaces left on the exercise book.

"..." He did not answer.

"Answer Mr. Wang's question!"

"......" He was still silent, as if he was making a silent "struggle".

The first "confrontation" between them ended like this. The second time, the boy said dirty words in class. The third time, the boy left a blank in the exercise book.

This time, Wang Yuhong decided to have a good talk with the boy and adopt the method of "fighting first and then giving gifts".

Wang Yuhong criticized the boy seriously: "How many mistakes have you made since the beginning of school? Mr. Wang will tell you now..."

"Sorry, Miss Wang." The boy apologized to Wang Yuhong when she kept outputting.

"Where does your family live? When you go home at the weekend, who is taking care of you at home?"

"Only Dad."

"Is there nobody else?"

A line of tears fell from the boy's cheek. He cried, and Wang Yuhong also cried. At this moment, Wang Yuhong knew that she accidentally touched the boy's heart forever, and she felt very guilty. Wang Yuhong dried his tears for the boy and gently embraced him, hoping to make his heart less sad.

That conversation brought them closer. Slowly, Wang Yuhong found that the boy was quietly changing: he would listen carefully in class, would not speak dirty words again, and had done the short answer questions in the exercise book.

This made Wang Yuhong understand that education is a two-way journey of love.

In the process of supporting education, another story also left a deep impression on Wang Yuhong.

When she first saw the girl, Wang Yuhong was shocked by her clear eyes. "Mr. Wang, I've finished memorizing." "Mr. Wang, I can recite this question." "Mr. Wang, can you tell me about 'the relationship between collective interests and personal interests'?" "Mr. Wang, today's recitation task is finished, I'll go and do the test paper." She has always been dazzling because of her poor family. Every class performance of the girl will surprise Wang Yuhong.

Until later, Wang Yuhong accidentally found a sentence she wrote: "Which girl doesn't like flowers? Only no one gives them to her." Wang Yuhong was happy for this romantic and lovely student, but also felt distressed for the girl's understanding.

At this time, Wang Yuhong had an idea, "I already know what I should leave for my 245 boys and girls when I say goodbye."

   Don't give up Liangshan, don't give up Shepug

Time flies. The one-year volunteer teaching service work was immediately ended. Wang Yuhong led the children to make progress step by step. In each exam, the results of the five classes she taught ranked top. The highest score of the whole grade at the end of the first half of the semester was 98 points, and the highest score of the whole grade in the second half of the semester was 97 points.

Wang Yuhong is making a bouquet

As the day of departure drew near, Wang Yuhong became more and more afraid of separation. She took a group photo with children from five classes. "In fact, taking group photos also carries my selfishness. I'm afraid the children will forget me and want to leave some memories." In the final farewell class, Wang Yuhong made a flower for each girl in the class, put it in a flower bag, and made a bunch of small flowers composed of lollipops for each boy. "There is sugar in the world, which is a little sweet. I want to bring thousands of thousands to children. I hope that children can walk through all the fetters barefoot."

In the last class, Wang Yuhong turned her back to the children and didn't want them to see her crying. In fact, she was already in tears.

The picture shows the flowers given to children by Wang Yuhong

Wang Yuhong wanted to say "thank you" to 245 boys and girls for their tolerance and acceptance, for their laughter, and for every letter they sent

There are also many outstanding college students like Wang Yuhong who choose to join the graduate student support group after graduation. They pursue their ideals, selfless dedication, experience and growth in the vast land of the Midwest, serve others, contribute to the society, serve the motherland with practical actions, and let the flower of youth bloom in the place where the motherland needs most.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong