Moving forward towards hope


2022-06-22 10:50:00   Source: China Youth Network   

The wind in June brings the breath of summer, as well as the parting and moving

The children's shyness and gratitude, the parents' embarrassment and enthusiasm... After every home visit, the lingering charm will last forever. The difference is that the time of volunteer teaching has come to an end, and this home visit is a little more reluctant to say goodbye.

Mingxin Village Landscape

Ebian's summer is hot very late, and the intermittent rain is always so witty, silently moistening everything. In the morning, in the fresh after the rain, we (members of the research group of Nanjing University of Science and Technology) came to Xiaoyin's home. "Xiao Yin!" We shouted when we saw that she had just walked from the village road to her house. Xiaoyin rushed over, a little shy, and smiled and welcomed us into the room. "How many points did you get in the midterm exam?" "680 points" "Oh, so high!" When we learned that Xiaoyin's academic performance was so good, we stopped worrying and encouraged her to continue to work hard to get into key high schools.

Volunteers and Xiaoyin

When I came to Xiaoyue's home in Mingxin Village, although it was June, the temperature on the mountain was relatively low. Xiaoyue came from the field to meet us breathlessly in a thin velvet coat. When I asked about the arrangements for the weekend, she replied shyly that she could usually finish the homework on Friday and would help her grandparents do farm work and farm on weekends. Now is the time to harvest potatoes and sow sweet potatoes, so Xiao Yue will help in his spare time. After receiving the grant, Xiao Yue thanked us and said that she would study hard. We feel heartfelt gratification and warmth to be able to help such a sensible and clever young man.

Volunteers and small contractors

Through several home visits in a year, we found that despite the financial difficulties of the children's families, parents actively support their children's education. The children study hard and are very proud of their parents. Xiaosha and Xiaodong were admitted to junior high school in the county seat, and their academic achievements continued to improve. This semester, they all realized their wish of ranking first in the exam results! When we left, Xiao Sha insisted on seeing us off. On the way, she said repeatedly, "I will always insist on going to school!" We believe that she will become better and better through her own efforts.

Volunteers and parents of the assisted students

Xiaohui's home is only 5 minutes away from the school. The kitchen, dining room and living room are crowded in a space of less than 10 square meters. The two beds in the room are full of sundries. The most prominent one is the new set of books. Xiaohui likes to sit by the bed and concentrate on reading books sent by previous volunteers. Xiaohui is a fifth grade student after the summer vacation. She is more intelligent and sensible than many classmates of the same age. From Xiaohui's grandparents, she learned that she had never seen her parents since she was born. The two old men went out early and came back late every day. They brought up Xiao Hui and her two younger brothers with their small incomes. When talking about Xiaohui, grandpa and grandma smiled happily: "Xiaohui's first thing to do when she comes home is to do her homework, and she will read in her spare time." Xiaohui listened to the conversation with clear and bright eyes. She is a child with dreams. I believe she will move forward to her dreams.

A group photo of volunteers, Xiao Hui and her grandmother

In a hurry, children are growing and we are changing. This home visit seems different from the past. The children always want to stay with us for a while, and they want to send us a few more steps. Because they know when we will meet again. Although it is not easy to go up the mountain to visit the family, the children have warmed us with their own efforts, so that we can walk more firmly and calmly.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong