Use life to influence life


2022-05-25 12:33:00   Source: China Youth Daily client   

I am a college student who came out of the countryside. I can never forget how the poor educational resources and backward and conservative consciousness at that time made our families helpless and sigh, and how we forced one child after another to leave their homes, carrying the burden of the family with their weak shoulders early.

When I came to Du'an, I found that most of the children here are even better than others: close family, multi child family, left behind children, single parent family, orphans, etc. The unhealthy growth environment has a direct impact on the development of children's physical and mental health: some children have been neglected by their families, forming an inferiority complex and withdrawn character; Some children lack companionship and rely heavily on mobile phones; Some children want to quit school and work, so they fall out with their families

When I was a teacher on the first day, I was shocked on the platform by this unexpected answer.

In the first lesson, I prepared courseware and videos early and told students about my rich and colorful college life with great emotion and voice. I thought this would open the door to a new world for them, encourage them to study hard and go out of the mountain. When I asked complacently, "Do you think it's good to go to college?" I didn't expect the answer was "We can't pass the exam again!" The first day when I was a teacher, I was severely stunned on the platform by this unexpected answer, and could not be calm for a long time.

Once we went hiking with students, we climbed to the top of the mountain to overlook the whole land of Bagui. The mountains and waters in the distance were vivid, and the clouds were filled with mist. It was as beautiful as a ink painting. "How beautiful!" I could not help sighing.
The student smiled and said, "Outsiders will find it attractive. We've been tired of it since childhood!"

I suddenly remembered a text and asked him, "What do you think is on the other side of the mountain?"

"It's still mountains!" he replied without hesitation. "If it weren't surrounded by so many mountains, we wouldn't be so poor here!"

Hearing this answer, my heart seemed to be stabbed by a flash back. "Mr. Gao, one of your students went to the toilet and didn't come back from the whole class!"

When I received the news from the science teacher, I rushed to the classroom in anger and picked up the student to prepare for a good lesson. But she first used the excuse of diarrhea, then hung her head and pretended to cry. Seeing that I was still fierce, she finally said the real reason: "Teacher, I'm afraid of being called to do the test."

"Is it difficult to do a question?" I asked.

"I... I'm afraid that people will laugh at me if I do something wrong," she sobbed.

Hearing this answer, my heart seemed to be stabbed by a flash back. When I was in high school, I felt ashamed of myself for a trivial matter. I couldn't raise my head in front of my classmates. Then I began to close myself more severely.

I asked her to sit face to face and try to guide her to find her own psychological problems. In her crying, I found the root of her inferiority: there were too many children in her family, her parents never paid attention to her, and even could not remember her name. In addition, the violence education in her family led her to habitually deny herself when she was in trouble. I tried to enlighten her with my own experience. She half believed and half doubted that she would stop crying, and her mood gradually stabilized.

"By the way, I really need a class representative soon after school starts. Would you like to help me?" I asked with a brainstorm.

She looked up at me doubtfully and said, "Me? Why doesn't the teacher find other more powerful students?"

"Coincidentally, I took the first step to change myself just because I was a class representative." I smiled and said, "Since then, I have found that I am also great! Would you like to try it?"

"Can I really?" she muttered.

Before she spoke, she gave me a thunderbolt.

Near the end of the semester, everyone should fill in the new semester class volunteer. She didn't fill in.

I was puzzled to find her, but before I could speak, she gave me a thunderbolt: "Teacher, I'm not going to read next semester."

Since she became the class representative, her grades have improved by leaps and bounds. She takes notes most seriously in every class, does the best homework in every subject, and can successfully complete the tasks assigned to her. I was even more surprised when I thought of these things. I was stunned for a long time before I uttered two words: "Why?"

She shook her head and whispered, "I just don't want to read it."

I reflected that there should be some reason why she kept silent. Remembering the content of her friends' circle not long ago, I felt that the family might have suffered something, which made her bear too much and think too much.

She seemed to see that I was thinking, and suddenly confessed: "Dad died of cancer..." She sobbed, and tears were already in her eyes. "Mother is working alone. She is too tired to support us. I want to go out to work and take care of my younger brothers and sisters."

"Since my father died, my brother has always been bullied by others. I think my sister didn't take good care of him. I'm especially afraid that my mother will also abandon us. At that time, we will be really helpless." When she said this, she could not help but shed tears.

How could fate have done such an injustice to a young girl who is so sensible! I feel a lot of pain in my heart. I want to do something, but I am powerless. At that moment, time seemed to be at a standstill, and the surroundings were strangely quiet. Only her suppressed sobs continued.

I can't remember what we talked about later in the long conversation, but my belief was very clear at that time: she must give up the idea of dropping out of school!

Fortunately, she finally understood my intention and asked me questions such as what is cancer and why people die. I briefly popularized science, and then asked her what kind of life she expected in the future. She said that she wanted to go to health school and become a doctor in the future, so that the whole family could be healthy. I hastened to pick up the conversation and said that you can't give up reading!

She promised me that she would think it over again.

It's a blessing but it's like saying goodbye. I don't know what to say with tears in my eyes.

The stadium is brightly lit, and a new group psychological counseling activity is under way.

Dong, dong, dong, a sound came, and the host shouted, "Here comes the hunter, let's run!"

The children didn't know what was going on. I played the role of squirrel, and I was already bouncing to find a new "big tree". They suddenly understood when they saw my funny appearance, so other "squirrels" also rushed to act, fearing that they would be caught alone to perform their talents. The scene was very lively.

In the part of telling each other the truth, the girl slipped in front of me without anyone noticing, hesitated and said hesitantly: "Thank you for your super good teacher, wish you happy every day, hope I won't cause you any trouble in the future, hope that your future graduate life will be smooth, and all topics can be handled at will!"

It's a blessing but it's like saying goodbye. I don't know what to say with tears in my eyes, so I have to turn everything into a deep embrace

Although it is a new class, and many faces are still unfamiliar, we feel the care for each other, the friendship between teachers and students, and the warmth of the collective in various games. They did not expect that the normally stern looking head teacher also had such a lively and lovely side; The former classmate, who could not be named, had always admired himself; It turned out that we had so many shining points in others' eyes... The night breeze was gentle and the stars were all over the sky. We spent an unforgettable summer night together.

I once read a short poem to the students: Please believe in your own strength, because you don't know who will believe in you and begin to believe in yourself... Now this sentence has become a motto of my life, and I slowly realized that as a volunteer teacher, I am not only teaching, but more meaningful, it is teaching by example, and it is using life to influence life. (Gao Xuan, member of the 8th Graduate Teaching Delegation of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing))

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong