I give red envelopes to children in the first lesson


2022-03-03 10:50:00   Source: China Youth Network   

"Teacher, I also want red envelopes!". At the beginning of the new semester, cheers came from the classrooms of Class 1 and Class 2, Grade 3 of Central Primary School in Fangzhen, Heyang County.

The children's desks are not only neatly placed with new books, but also bright red envelopes. This is my New Year gift for them.


When I said goodbye to my hometown and set out on my return journey again, I was wondering what kind of way should I greet the children? In my hometown, Guangdong and Guangxi, it is a custom to return to work after the festival and distribute "profit for work" red envelopes. I immediately had an idea in my mind: send a red envelope to the children in the class!

New Year gift - red envelope

I went to many stores and finally got red envelopes. Then I wrote down my New Year wishes to them on the note. When I packed the last red envelope, it was two o'clock in the morning.

   "Good start"

When I announced to distribute red envelopes to the children in class, the class immediately became boiling. They kneel on the chair, or put up their bodies with both hands, or run to the aisle, shouting, and stretching their heads forward

"Teacher, how much lucky money is in the red envelope?" Xiao Li opened the red envelope with the word "Fu" curiously. When he glanced at it, he found a piece of paper on which I wished them a happy New Year: "The Year of the Tiger is auspicious and energetic!" "Thank you, teacher!" He waved excitedly at once.

Self selected red envelope

Open the red envelope with the word "He", "No pains, no gains", "Many kind-hearted people and friends!"; Open the "lucky" red envelope, "wish you happiness every day and progress every year!" "Happy New Year and new growth!".

The children smiled and said, "Teacher, I will work hard!"

The classroom immediately became a red ocean.

   Knowledge is wealth

The children stared at the word "money" and opened the red envelope excitedly. There was still a note inside: "Reading breaks through thousands of volumes, writing like a god" "There is a golden house in books"

"There are still words at the bottom!" The sharp eyed student was surprised to find a line of small words: "Congratulations on getting a book!"

"Wow!" The class broke out again.

Through the red envelope, I want to tell children that knowledge is the real wealth, and the real rich should be people who have spiritual food.

   Interesting interaction

"Long Teng Hu Yue, bid farewell to the old and welcome the new!"

"Go further!"

"The sesame is blooming high!"

Compete to see red envelopes

The children happily shared the red envelopes and greetings they received. Every blessing is full of expectations for them. Some greetings are accompanied by several carefully designed mathematical problems to help them learn and consolidate their knowledge. Some opened the red envelopes of "Happy Games": "Please designate a classmate to praise you!" "Please lead everyone to compare with each other!" Some red envelopes put sugar into them, meaning that every day is sweet.

"Teacher, I will give you a red envelope in the future!"

"That will wait until you grow up!"

"I will grow up soon!"

Holding the red envelope in one small hand, he jumped and jumped. The snowflakes are flying outside the window, and the classroom is in full swing

(Author: Tang Xin, a member of the 23rd Graduate Education Support Group of Northwest A&F University of Science and Technology, currently serves the Central Primary School in Fangzhen Town, Heyang County, Shaanxi Province.)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong