One day when I was a volunteer teacher at Sanying Middle School in Ningxia


2016-04-18 15:27:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong

Since the first China Youth Volunteer Postgraduate Education Corps project was launched in 1998, 17 groups of 11905 college student volunteers from 184 colleges and universities across the country have gone to nearly 400 primary and secondary schools in the central and western regions of China to carry out a one-year education support and poverty alleviation work. Fuzhou University has been implementing this project since 2012. Up to now, 18 outstanding young volunteers have been selected for three sessions to carry out teaching support work in Sanying Middle School, Yuanzhou District, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It will take a short year to do something unforgettable.

Wu Jun, who is now the head of the 17th postgraduate teaching group of Fuzhou University, is responsible for teaching math courses to nearly 100 students in two classes of Grade 7 in Sanying Middle School, and serves as the head teacher of one class. There are nearly 30 math lessons a week, class meetings, activities and evening self-study. He gets up at 6:30 in the morning and has a rest at 12:00 in the evening. Apart from eating and sleeping, his time is almost spent on work and study.

On Monday, March 21, 2016, as usual, Wu Jun got up in the twilight, opening a busy and full day. Although the vernal equinox has passed, the temperature difference here is still very large. It is still nearly zero in the morning and evening. Every morning, Wu Jun has to use an electric heating rod to burn a basin of hot water to wash his face.

The school regularly holds a morning meeting at 7:30 every Monday morning to hold a flag raising ceremony, and the school canteen opens at about 7:30. By the end of the morning meeting, it is almost time for the first class, so Wu Jun had prepared a steamed bun for breakfast today the day before.

7: 20. After breakfast, Wu Jun hurried to the class.

The school requires the head teacher to get the Political and Educational Office to sign in every day and report the morning check of the class. Wu Jun's daily work starts from signing in.

7: 30. Wu Jun and the students attended the flag raising ceremony every Monday.

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