Xinjiang aid novel Liaoyuan Chapter 26 Fire fighting Heroes (Part 1)


2014-12-22 08:27:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong

Chapter 26 Fire Fighting Heroes

Your heart is a thorn bird
Sing a sad song
Chanting the dream of love
If love is destined to be exchanged for pain
I'd rather shoot through my heart
If the ideal must have time to wait
I would like to wait for the vicissitudes of life
Until the sea changes
You stand high in the cloud
I look at you carefully
Tears welled up

Qi Junfei was assigned to work the night shift, which was the reply from Liu Yue after asking the teacher's leadership. He originally thought that the division leaders would not agree with Qi Junfei's requirements, because college volunteers were not civil servants of the organ after all, different from the official staff, and their work scope and responsibilities were different from those of civil servants, so they should not have the obligation and responsibility to work on night shifts. But the division leader said that since the college student volunteers have come to our corps, they are our corps members. What do they say most about? It's about dedication, and it's about not being afraid of hardship. It's very good that Xiao Qi has this awareness, and we should support him.

Liu Yue thought that this might be because Qi Junfei and Cheng Aihua had some inextricable relationship. The teacher leader made the decision to take care of some people's face. On the other hand, as a volunteer, why did Qi Junfei do this? He was puzzled.

In fact, Qi Junfei had a very simple idea in mind. For the violent terrorist incident in Western Xinjiang, college volunteers would not be bystanders of anti-terrorism, but would participate in it and share weal and woe with Western Xinjiang and the Corps.

On that night, the division office building began to arrange duty, with two persons on duty in one shift, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 the next day, in the duty room on the first floor of the office building. The duty room has only one bed. According to the past practice, the two can only sleep in rotation.

Qi Junfei will spend this evening in the duty room.

The young man on duty with Qi Junfei is Wang Huantao, who is also in the office of the Party Committee. Although he is only three years older than Qi Junfei, he is much calmer. He usually has more work contact with Qi Junfei and gets along well with him.

Wang Huantao said while making the bed, "Junfei, let's discuss whether you are worth the night or the night?"

Qi Junfei took out a book from his satchel, shook it, and said, "Hey hey, I won't sleep today."

Wang Huantao said, "How can you do that? You have to go to work tomorrow."

Qi Junfei said, "It's OK. Brother Wang, you can sleep with you. When I'm sleepy, I'll lie on the table and squint for a while." Wang Huantao could not persuade me, so he agreed.
Wang Huantao saw that Qi Junfei was reading a book, so he came over and asked, "What book did you read?"

Qi Junfei said, "A Brief History of the World."

Wang Huantao said, "Oh, have you read the Koran?"

Qi Junfei said, "No, I only know that the Koran is a classic Muslim scripture."

Wang Huantao said, "Yes. Is there a saying in the Koran, 'All good deeds you do for yourself will be rewarded by God', which is very similar to the traditional Chinese doctrine?"

Qi Junfei said, "Well, good is rewarded, evil is rewarded."

Wang Huantao said, "Yes, the rewards of good and evil follow closely. The Koran says: Allah, there is nothing to be worshipped except him; he is immortal and defends all things; drowsiness cannot invade him, sleep cannot overcome him; everything in the world is his; without his permission, who can intercede for others? He knows what is before them and what is behind them; They must not pry into his mysteries except what he reveals; His perception includes heaven and earth. The maintenance of heaven and earth could not make him tired. He is indeed supreme, indeed supreme. "

Qi Junfei was a little surprised and asked, "Do you believe in Islam?"

Wang Huantao said with a smile, "I am a party member. I can't believe it. I am just curious and have read some."

Qi Junfei asked, "You said, since God also asked his followers to do good, why do Muslims do evil things?" Qi Junfei referred to the violent terrorist incident a few days ago.

Wang Huantao said: "Because those people are not real Muslims, but animals."

Qi Junfei said, "Brother Wang, what do you think of the violent terrorist events in Western Xinjiang in recent years?"

Wang Huantao said: "I think one of the main reasons is the internal institutional problem. Our power is too concentrated in the party and government system, which leads to power over the law. There is no system of interaction between the central and local authorities, the government and various ethnic groups, with local forces as the main body. Of course, there are also external factors such as extreme religious forces, extreme separatism, and western anti China forces Some factors are superimposed and resonate, which makes violent and terrorist events in western Xinjiang frequent. "

"Therefore, I think governing the western Xinjiang should first of all run the country according to the law and the constitution," Qi Junfei chimed in.

"Yes. The stability of the whole country depends on the governance of counties. To ensure the stability of the western Xinjiang, the first thing is to ensure the stability of the counties. The quality of the work at the county level is directly related to the prosperity and decline of the country. Therefore, the stability of the western Xinjiang ultimately depends on the stability at the county level."

The two chatted heartily, from the current form of Western Xinjiang, to Qi Junfei's love, to the western anti China forces, to the recent downgrade of the US sovereign credit rating.

"Brother Wang, do you think the downgrade of the US sovereign credit rating will have any impact on China's economy?" Qi Junfei asked.

"The short-term impact will be great, but China's economy has the ability to adjust itself, so the long-term impact will not be too great. First, the pressure on the operation of foreign reserves will certainly increase; second, it will certainly lead to hot money pressure; third, the pressure on domestic imported inflation will rise; finally, the operating space of our country's monetary policy will be restricted." Wang Huantao said.

"Brother Wang, you know so much." Qi Junfei felt like he had found a mentor.

They talked as if they had forgotten the time, and unconsciously passed several hours. Qi Junfei was not sleepy at all. Wang Huantao saw that it was very late, so he lay down first.

The night became quieter and quieter. Wang Huantao in the duty room had already fallen into a sweet dream. Qi Junfei was more and more sleepy with the book in his arms, and the upper and lower eyelids began to "fight". Although the office building was locked tightly, he could not sleep, because this was the rule and his duty.

So, he learned from the ancients' deeds of "hanging the beam and stabbing the thigh", pulled his leg hard, and immediately became energetic, so he braced up and continued to read.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the building. Qi Junfei immediately pricked up his ears and listened carefully. He heard someone shouting "Fire, fire!" Although the voice was not loud, it seemed particularly loud and frightened in the silent night.

Without much thought, Qi Junfei picked up the coat and key on the coat rack, quickly unlocked the office building, and rushed out of the office building. Wang Huantao was awakened by a fierce movement of Qi Junfei. He had not yet figured out what was going on. Qi Junfei had already run out of the mechanism compound. He put on his clothes and stood at the gate. He saw that the residential building dozens of meters away was on fire.

Wang Huantao wanted to go with Qi Junfei, but he immediately calmed down. His current responsibility is to protect the security of the organ building. Now the cause of the fire is unknown, and he cannot leave his job without authorization. So he returned to the duty room and made a phone call with Qi Junfei's mobile phone.

By the time Qi Junfei arrived at the scene of the fire, the fire was already very big. The place where the fire broke out was the corner of an old residential building. Four or five motorcycles and battery cars parked in the corner were burned to black iron shells by the raging fire. Qi Junfei noticed that the fire was getting bigger and bigger and began to spread upward. The windows on the first floor were burned by the fire, and broken glass debris fell on the ground, making a clear sound.

At this time, a woman with a four or five year old child in her arms came out of the corridor in a hurry. She was wearing pajamas and her hair was scattered. She was panicked. "It scared me to death, it scared me to death." The woman kept repeating this sentence.

Qi Junfei quickly observed the scene of the fire and joined the fire fighting team without hesitation. There were three young people fighting the fire and an uncle about 50 years old.

Several fire fighters were struggling to put out the fire. Some were digging with shovels to bury them. Some were beating with sticks. Some simply took off their coats and waved. When the others were putting out the fire in their own ways, Qi Junfei rushed into the residential building. Just as the house on the first floor next to the fire was open, he dived into the house and wanted to find water as soon as possible.

The house was pitch dark. He turned on the light switch in the living room, filled the bucket with water, and then jerked it out and threw it at the fire.

At this time, several firefighters also threw themselves at the fire, but the fire was too big and tended to rise along the insulation wall. The fire was still spreading upward.

In the bright light of the fire, Qi Junfei looked up and saw that the yellow civil gas pipeline was directly above the fire.

>Extended Reading