Chapter 23 Charm of Women in Xinjiang Aid Novel "A prairie fire" (Part 2)


2014-11-05 12:57:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong

Qi Junfei tells Ding Xiaotian that Wei Zhiqiang has started investigating the petition letter, but Ding Xiaotian doesn't think so after hearing it.

"We did that perfectly. I don't believe Wei can find out about us."

"Xiaotian, that's what I'm worried about. You have no idea every day. Maybe you missed it that day. Do you know the consequences?"

"Well, I don't have anything to say about this. What's the matter? Besides, I know the consequences of this matter. Now that it's like this, what do you think we should do now?"

"What should we do? Wait."

"Wait for what? Wait for death."

"Do you know to watch the fire from another shore?"

"You know, one of the thirty-six plans."

"Xiaotian, let me tell you a case of watching fire from the other side. In the First World War, the Allies and the Allies waged an unprecedented battle on the European continent. For a long time, the victory was still unresolved. At this time, the United States sat across the Atlantic Ocean watching the tiger fight, stood still, remained neutral, did business with these two groups, and made a lot of war windfall. After World War I, the United States has become the largest creditor country in the world. Twenty years later, when World War II broke out, the United States still watched the war across the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, watching the war in Europe and Asia on both sides, until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and the United States officially entered the war. Then after the two world wars, the United States became the first power in the world. "

"I see what you mean. Let's hold our ground. Look at the man named Wei fighting with others, right?"

"Yes, the water in the 286 Regiment officialdom is too muddy. As far as I know, the Discipline Inspection Commission has begun to investigate the Wei Zhiqiang. Now, it is the wisest choice to watch the fire from the shore and watch the tiger fight from the mountain."

At this time, Qin Cong came in and asked the two people to come out for dinner. They just ended their conversation.

At the dinner table, Ding Xiaotian opened his chatterbox and said, "I can see that, like Zhong Shengli Junfei, he is appreciated by the leaders, and it is difficult for him not to be remembered and promoted by the leaders. What's the saying? Flowers blossom in the wall, and flowers blossom in the wall, and achievements are made. People outside don't know about it. Do you think it's funny if people outside prophesy?"

Zhang Yan said with a smile, "Just you talk a lot. Don't you know that 'the water doesn't boil, and the boiled water doesn't boil'? A truly talented person doesn't make a loud noise to show off to others. I think Junfei is just a pot of boiled water, and people who have contacted him will know his temperature."

"You will blossom and boil water soon, and Junfei will soon catch up with Monkey King 72 and change?" Ma Tiancheng said jokingly, and everyone laughed.

Everyone talked to each other. The dinner was going on unconsciously in this happy atmosphere. Everyone knew what the meal meant, but did not mention Qi Junfei's departure.

Yes, what is more sad than leaving? The comrade in arms who had been so close to each other day and night would leave one day. The parting wound would hurt every nerve. In the years to come, he would often look back, regret and fantasize. What is more helpless than parting? Departure is not only a sad parting, but also a helpless transformation.

Cherish the present. When you are young, when you are in the prime of your life, when the time is right, cherish your loved ones and true friends. Don't wait until you lose them to regret the past.

"At last, let's raise a cup and wish Junfei all the best in the school." Ding Xiaotian finally proposed that everyone raise their glasses and clink their glasses. Everything was so familiar and kind. When he left, Qi Junfei's heart was filled with infinite sadness and slight sadness. His eyes were still wet after all. He took off his glasses and wiped them with his hands, Everyone looked at Qi Junfei, who showed his emotion, and finally could not control the tears that had been endured for a long time.

When Zhang Yan burst into tears, everyone was already in tears

For Gao Qian, Qi Junfei's arrival has not brought happiness and inconvenience to her life, except for the small ripples in her heart.

After finishing the phased work of the Ethnic Middle School, Gao Qian shifted her focus to choreography. According to her initial idea, the historical background of the dance drama "Youth on the Gobi" is that one hundred thousand people in Shanghai entered the border knowingly in the last century. The dance drama is divided into three parts, namely, on the road to youth, watching the border, and the Gobi years. The background music, melody, and dance movements of each part are different, so it is difficult to dance, and the emotional expression of the actors is also impossible to express.

In this day's class, several girls gathered in Gao Qian's dormitory as usual to rehearse the first part of the dance drama. Gao Qian always felt that she lacked the special sense of history and shocking effect of knowing.

"Wu Lili, the expression and movement should follow the music."

"Liu Jiamei, your movements are too stiff."

"..." Gao Qian pointed out a lot of problems, but in her opinion, the biggest problem was the actor's lack of confidence.

During the rehearsal break, Liu Jiamei said, "We are not professional in such a difficult dance. Can we dance it well?"

Li Wen also began to back down. "It felt like a bit of chasing ducks into the fight. I'm really at my wits' end."

Gao Qian said, "Since we have followed this path, we have no way out. Let's overcome it."

Wu Lili quoted Wang Guozhen's poem and said affectionately, "Since I have chosen to travel far away, I only care about the wind and rain."

Gao Qian thought that President Xu's concern was right. It was really difficult for them, the volunteers, to understand the enthusiasm and never stop enthusiasm of "supporting and building the border" in those days. They always had a bad grasp of the expression of their inner feelings.

Suddenly, Gao Qian thought that she had a way.

"Let's go to the senior apartment."

On the Double Ninth Festival last year, the Youth League Committee organized an activity to "pair up" with the elderly. Gao Qian's old man was Grandma Zhang. Every month, she would take time to visit her grandmother in the elderly's apartment, help her clean the room, chat with her, and take a walk with her. After a long time, Grandma Zhang took Gao Qian as her own child and took good care of her.

One time, Gao Qian chatted with her grandmother. She knew that Grandma Zhang was an educated youth who came from Shanghai in those years. She retired from the group farm a few years ago. Gao Qian didn't pay attention at that time, because she knew that there were many educated youth like Grandma Zhang in the Corps.

"It doesn't take much time to get here if you can't find a place to step through the straw sandals." Gao Qian was secretly proud. What she needs to do now is to ask Grandma Zhang to tell them stories about educated youth so that they can find inspiration from them.

Gao Qian and her entourage hurried to the senior apartment. When the aunt in the reception room saw that it was Gao Qian, she said, "Xiao Gao, come to see Grandma Zhang so late?" Gao Qian said "Hmm" and went upstairs.

Wu Lili said as she climbed the stairs, "To tell the truth, I have never seen my grandma since last year's' twinning 'event, so I am ashamed."

Liu Jiamei said, "Me too. Maybe only Gao Qian and Mo Tang stick to it every month."

Gao Qian explained her purpose to Grandma Zhang. Grandma Zhang said with a smile, "Don't stand still. Sit on the bed." So Gao Qian and others sat down and waited for Grandma Zhang to tell her stories about educated youth.

Grandma Zhang looked kind and kind. She began to recall the pictures of entering Xinjiang when she was young. Although those stories had passed many years, she still felt fresh and romantic when she recalled them now. Those who had experienced the hardship and beauty of youth together seemed to have been around all the time. She began to talk.

"I came to Xijiang in 1964. At that time, a group of educated youth took a train for more than ten days from Shanghai to the west of Xinjiang. When we arrived at the destination, we were all stunned: on the boundless Gobi Desert, like a green island covered with alkali spots, barracks are those caves of different sizes, in disorder, with weeds growing on the roof, and occasionally there are several mud houses made of adobe, Only a few dirt roads, like flour, can submerge the neck of the foot, which is quite different from the corps in our impression. After arriving at the regimental farm, the first exercise was unforgettable. We built reed tents and dug nests in the desolate wilderness. Every day is hard work. I open up wasteland and cultivate land, dig ditches and build roads, and build houses with adobe. Although I was a girl growing up in Shanghai, I am not inferior to others in my work. I am not inferior to men in picking soil, driving cars, and picking cotton. "

Grandma Zhang told the story deeply and passionately. Gao Qian and others listened attentively to the story of those passionate and regretless years, as if they were in that hard and happy environment. What a wonderful day it was! In Gao Qian's mind, desert, crops and fields appear. The desert is so vast, the crops are so green, and the fragrance of the fields is so charming.

"One of the most popular songs we sang at that time was" Send You a bunch of Elaeagnus angustifolia "," Grandma Zhang continued.

"Grandma, can you sing to us?" Gao Qian begged Grandma Zhang.

Grandma Zhang smiled meaningfully and began to sing in an old and dry voice: "Get on the truck, take big red flowers, young people from afar, and come to settle down in Tarim. Come on, come on! Young friends, dear comrades, we warmly welcome you, and send you a bunch of wild date flowers and a bunch of wild date flowers. We warmly welcome you, send you a bunch of oleaster flowers, send you a bunch of oleaster flowers. I don't respect your fragrant milk tea, or your cantaloupe, or a cup of snow mountain water filled with confidants. Come on, come on! Young friends and dear comrades, we warmly welcome you, and send you a bunch of oleaster flowers and a bunch of oleaster flowers. We warmly welcome you with a bunch of oleaster flowers and a bunch of oleaster flowers. "

Gao Qian has heard the story of the educated youth "going to the mountains and the countryside" more than once, but she listened to the happy and enthusiastic song "Send You a Bouquet of Elaeagnus angustifolia Flowers" for the first time, but when such a story happened around her, she felt it was so shocking. She was impressed and moved by the older generation of military reclamation people.

"Grandma, tell us more about your educated youth."

"Well, if you really want to tell the story of educated youth, you can't finish it for days and nights. At that time..."

When the first ray of morning light shines through the mist, Gao Qian opens the closed curtains, and the lovely morning glow comes.

Since taking over the "Youth Reading Program", she has insisted on getting up early every morning in order to welcome the promising sunrise every day. There are several dark clouds in the sky today, and the sun seems shy to hide in the clouds. Soon, thousands of golden arrow like rays burst out of the clouds. The morning glow, unlike the sunset, shines with dazzling light and warms people's hearts.

>Extended Reading