Xinjiang aid novel Liaoyuan Chapter 21 Happy Reunion (Part 1)


2014-09-17 14:35:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong

Chapter 21 Festival Reunion

In the brilliant youth
In the hard days without regret
You are so white
Come on like this
I take your hand
Running in the boundless wild
Let's find the ideal
Look for the elusive
Ideal within reach

Qi Junfei can't wait to leave Cheng Qingxiao's home and head for the Youth League Committee office. Before stepping into the door of the office, Yang Ping saw Qi Junfei coming, and said, "Oh, Secretary Wang's soldiers are coming." Mo Tang and Gao Qian didn't respond for a moment. They looked at the door together. It was Qi Junfei, whose face was red with cold.
Gao Qian finally saw her lover who had been away for a long time. She got up and walked to Qi Junfei. "Why did he come here?" she thought he had already arrived at the Expo.
"Oh, well, it just snowed. The road was slippery and the car was slow, so it was late..." Qi Junfei hesitated for a while, still concealing the fact that he met Cheng Qingxiao.
"Is it cold? Why don't you wear the scarf I knitted for you?" Gao Qian asked.
"I don't want to use that scarf. I will keep it as a souvenir." Qi Junfei said happily.
After chatting for a while, Yang Ping asked Mo Tang and Gao Qian to leave work early and let them have a rest for half a day in the afternoon. As the Spring Festival holiday is approaching, there is almost no heavy work in the office, so the two of them thanked Yang Ping with peace of mind.
Out of the office, Gao Qian saw that lunch time was still early, and suggested taking Qi Junfei to the Riverside Park and calling some volunteers from the guru's office. So Mo Tang called Guo Qingwen and others. Qi Junfei saw this and said sarcastically, "Oh, the propaganda committee has arranged work for the secretary." Gao Qian just smiled.
The three men stood on the division headquarters square. Gao Qian took Qi Junfei's arm, pulled him across the thick clothes, and said, "I haven't seen you for two months, Junfei. Your mouth is getting stronger and stronger. Do you want me to test you?" Obviously, Gao Qian has always remembered his sarcasm.
"What do you want to test me for?" Qi Junfei looked at Gao Qian with a serious face.
"It's the kung fu of the mouth, tongue twister. Dare you?" Gao Qian looked defiant.
"I'm afraid of you, I'm not Gao Qian's boyfriend." Qi Junfei stood firm.
"Let me go first. The shoulder pole is long, the bench is wide, the shoulder pole is not as wide as the bench, and the bench is not as long as the shoulder pole. The shoulder pole wants to be tied to the bench, and the bench will not let the shoulder pole be tied to the bench, but the shoulder pole will be tied to the bench, whether the bench is wide or the shoulder pole is long." Gao Qian said a tongue twister fluently and looked at Qi Junfei proudly, "He who knows the current affairs is a hero, boyfriend. You can choose to surrender."
"Are you kidding me? Let me say one. There is a sun in the sky, a stone under the ground, a tongue in my mouth, and five fingers on my hand. Whether it is a hot sun in the sky, a hard stone under the ground, a soft tongue in my mouth, a finger on my hand, or a hot sun, a hard stone, a soft tongue, or a finger, it is all tongue training anyway."
Qi Junfei recited a passage with difficulty. He didn't know how to make a sound of several notes. Gao Qian was out of breath when she heard this. "Hot head, ha ha, hot head, Junfei, you lost. It's funny to be the host, depending on your level." Qi Junfei also laughed with his silly face when he saw Gao Qian with a beautiful smile.
At this time, Mo Tang also finished calling. Seeing Gao Qian smiling heartily, he asked why. When he learned that the two were playing tongue twister, he was also interested in joining
Qi Junfei smiled and asked, "Excuse me, Chief Mo Tang, how many people will Guo Qingwen bring to the division headquarters?"
"There are four people in my dormitory with Gao Qian, Guo Qingwen, Zhu Xiaobo, Wu Lili and Liu Jiamei." Mo Tang has not yet stepped out of the tongue twister, emphasizing the "four".

When the three were waiting for volunteers, Qi Junfei took out a stack of hundred yuan bills and handed them to Mo Tang
Mo Tang took the money and accepted it. "No, everyone knows that you started the assistance plan, and they are very supportive." Mo Tang thought that Guo Qingwen would stay in front of the computer after work in order to buy a train ticket. He would not sleep until he printed the train ticket. Other volunteers generally worked hard like this. Gao Qian, Wu Lili, Liu Jiamei, Huang Xiaoxia Cheng Lei... and members of the Graduate Volunteer Education League, all of whom worked together to successfully complete the first task of the Youth Volunteer Service Center.
Sometimes Mo Tang feels that volunteerism is far away from him, but at the moment of helping migrant workers buy trains, he really felt what volunteerism is. Volunteerism is not a grand event, nor is it a yearning for fame and wealth. It is reflected in life and work. Volunteerism is an attitude towards life and a respect for life.
The first time he helps others, there will be the second time, the third time... It is not a long time for him to do well. This is what his parents expected of him before he left home, and also what he wanted of himself.
In fact, he already knew what to do.
Standing in the chilly square, the three continued to talk. Mo Tang suddenly changed the subject and said, "Junfei, I have a plan to implement after the Spring Festival. Can you help me then?"
Qi Junfei glared at Mo Tang, "If you are so polite again, you will become unfamiliar."
Mo Tang squinted and smiled, "Who asked you to thank me just now?"
"Go ahead. What's your grand plan?" Qi Junfei asked.
"Now that the Youth Volunteer Service Center has been set up, I want to do several important things," said Mo Tang lightly.
"For example, we discussed the 'Volunteer Service Action of Caring for the Empty Nest Elderly' that day, such as the 'Youth Reading Program'."
Qi Junfei was stunned. He didn't expect that Mo Tang was always thinking about these things and working hard for these ideas. He learned from Gao Qian the whole story of Mo Tang's application for establishing a service center. He began to admire Mo Tang from the bottom of his heart: not only was he not frightened by difficulties, but he also became more and more brave.
Seeing Qi Junfei's silence, Mo Tang asked, "Junfei, I mean that now. The specific plan and plan have not been worked out yet. How about you give me your opinion?"
Qi Junfei calmed down and said, "It's a good idea. But when we make the implementation plan, we must be detailed. The object, theme and purpose of the activity should be clear. I won't go back to the delegation these days, so we should study it carefully." Qi Junfei said, "We are actually three members of the Party branch.

>Extended Reading