Xinjiang aid novel Liaoyuan Chapter 19 Happy Snow Field (Part 1)


2014-08-05 10:52:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong

Chapter 19 Happy Snow Resort

You use a sincere heart
To warm the worn-out world
The bumpy road ahead
You write with sweat and enthusiasm
Sing a song from the bottom of my heart
Cheers for bright youth
Write an ageless poem
For the young and rebellious ideal
Insert wings to fly
Under a cloudless sky
Fly freely

The New Year is coming.

On the last day of the new calendar year, the streets and alleys are brightly lit. Although New Year's Day is not the traditional Chinese New Year, Boshi, a border town, seems to have changed its appearance overnight and become lively.

Mo Tang's mood is like a brightly lit street, becoming bright and spacious, probably because Zhong Shengli will come back from Urumqi tomorrow, Mo Tang thought. A few days ago, when Mo Tang received a phone call from Zhong Shengli, he and Guo Qingwen were planning skiing activities on New Year's Day. When he learned that Zhong Shengli was back on New Year's Day, Mo Tang was so happy that he was in a hurry.

"Why are you so happy when Zhong Shengli returns to Bo City?" Guo Qingwen said inexplicably.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for three months since he left on November 11. You know, Division 105 is his family." Mo Tang, who works overtime in the office, said while tapping the keyboard.

Mo Tang stopped his work and began to recall the past. Although the story happened just a few months ago, it was far away, as if it had never happened.

Guo Qingwen saw Mo Tang in a daze and asked him what he was thinking. So Mo Tang told some stories about Zhong Shengli's service in the 105th Division.
"Shengli is a very serious volunteer..."

On this day, Zhong Shengli finally got on the train back to the Expo City and was very excited. Since he came to Urumqi from Boshi in October, he has been looking forward to meeting with volunteers again. This time, with the three-day holiday of New Year's Day, Zhong Shengli has achieved his wish. Liu Pei had planned to go back to Bo City with her, but she was temporarily entrusted with an important task. She worked overtime on New Year's Day, so Zhong Shengli embarked on the journey back to Bo City alone.

The body is lonely, but the heart is not lonely.

After buying the ticket, entering the station and getting on the train, Zhong Shengli quickly found his seat. Zhong Shengli originally wanted to buy a sleeper ticket, but thought that the price was more than twice that of the hard seat, he gave up the luxury idea.

Zhong Shengli unconsciously thought of his situation, and then smiled bitterly. Now all his allowances and living allowances are only more than 1700 yuan. Apart from the monthly food expenses of about 400 yuan, which is very low in Urumqi, where prices are soaring, there are less than 1300 yuan left. Every dollar must be carefully calculated. It costs four or five hundred yuan a month to invite friends to dinner, to buy books, to participate in collective activities to help left behind children, to buy clothes and daily necessities, to spend money every month on phone calls, shopping, and to take a taxi when going out to work... Almost every month he is frugal, but he spends all his allowance every month, If Liu Pei hadn't lent him 300 yuan this time, he didn't even know where to get the hard seat money.

At the thought of Liu Pei, Zhong Shengli felt a warm current flowing slowly from the bottom of his heart. He was very grateful to his revolutionary comrade in arms who shared weal and woe.

He thought of his pure time in the 105th Division and another important person, Ye Xiaohan.

Zhong Shengli's thoughts were drawn back to a few months ago. At that time, the unit he served was the CDC of the 105th Division. After the "National Day", he was transferred to the Corps Health Bureau to continue volunteer services, while Liu Pei was transferred to the Corps Labor Bureau, and the two were in the Corps organ.

On the night before leaving, the division committee gave them a banquet. Everyone who came to see them off drank too much, especially Ye Xiaohan, who drank the most. On that day, after the two departed on the departing train, the sad Ye Xiaohan asked the slightly drunk Mo Tang to accompany her. They walked slowly for a long time. Finally, they came to the Culture Square at the back door of the division office. Later, Mo Tang told him that Ye Xiaohan had told him many stories about him, and when she finally talked about him, she fell on Mo Tang's shoulder and cried. Mo Tang said that he didn't know how long she cried, but he only remembered that she cried and talked a lot, saying how she hated Zhong Shengli, who was kind-hearted, how Zhong Shengli taught her to ride a bike, and how he took the trouble to scold her for being stupid. He said that Zhong Shengli always tried to wash the dishes when he ate dinner in their dormitory, and that Zhong Shengli would accompany her to have supper and drink kavas before sending her home, It was said that Zhong Shengli often walked with her in the Culture Square to talk about life and dreams... At that time, Mo Tang's mood also fell to the extreme. Listening to Ye Xiaohan telling those warm and clear stories, Mo Tang's eyes were also wet. He was in tears, and instantly understood that some people left life, which could really change the life trajectory of some people.

Zhong Shengli felt that his leaving was not only his regret, but also that of Mo Tang, Ye Xiaohan and many volunteers. Later, he learned that Ye Xiaohan found her boyfriend this winter, who was also a volunteer from Jingchu. Liu Zhixin and Zhong Shengli had been to Kanas together.

Now, Zhong Shengli thinks that parting is the normal state of life, and he doesn't feel regret any more. Besides, how can life be 100% perfect?

Isn't life made up of one regret after another? Because of the unsatisfied wish, we try our best to pursue the goal and break the regret. We have to go forward bravely even though our heads are broken, so we live a brilliant life.

In the days after the separation, he kept in touch with Mo Tang. He sometimes recalled his troubles on the phone and always felt that those common memories were so calm and warm. But Mo Tang told Zhong Shengli that in the days when Zhong Shengli had just left the 105 Division, Mo Tang seemed to lose his soul, and he couldn't keep up his spirits every day. Gao Qian tried to enlighten him several times, but it didn't help; Wang Ling guessed through Mo Tang's mind and basically didn't assign him any work tasks.

Now all people have already stepped out of the mood of parting and continued their wonderful volunteer life.

The train is still clattering against the rails, happily crawling ahead.

Zhong Shengli sticks his face to the window. He closes his eyes and continues to think about the problem. What happened a few months after he left? An earthquake occurred in Bozhou, Lu Weiping broke a leg in the panic earthquake; Mo Tang organized several volunteers to visit the beautiful millennium Populus euphratica in southern Xinjiang; Mo Tang's failure to visit Du Tianshan in Urumqi experienced an unforgettable pain; Ding Xiaotian and Zhang Yan begin a happy relationship; Qi Junfei and Gao Qian, a talented couple, also start a happy love journey; Guo Qingwen, who asked for leave for family reasons, returned from Jiangcheng and was transferred to the Normal Development and Reform Commission to volunteer; What surprised him most was that the beloved Secretary Wang Ling was transferred from the Division Youth League Committee to serve as the head of the 286 Regiment on the border, where Qi Junfei, the volunteer leader, was located

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