Notice on the Implementation of the Western Plan of College Students' Volunteer Service


2003-06-12 12:56:00   Source: SRC-13759    Author: Liu Zhe

In accordance with the spirit of the executive meeting of the State Council, the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Doing a Good Job in the Employment of Graduates of Ordinary Colleges and Universities in 2003 (GBF [2003] No. 49) and the national teleconference on the employment of college graduates in 2003, the State has decided to implement the plan of college students' voluntary service for the western region from 2003. Relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.  

1、 Guiding ideology
It is the consistent policy of our party and government to encourage young intellectuals to go to practice, go to the grass-roots level and hard areas, undergo training, and grow healthily. Under the new situation, standing on the strategic height of governing and rejuvenating the country and strengthening the country with talents, we need to adhere to and constantly improve and gradually form a system for a long time. To implement the plan of college students' voluntary service to the west, we should take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, and guide college students to go to the west, to the grass-roots level, and to the places where the motherland and the people most need to make contributions; Promote the development of education, health, agricultural technology, poverty alleviation and other social undertakings in the western poverty-stricken areas; Expand the channels for college students to find jobs and start businesses; Cultivate a large number of outstanding young talents with modern scientific and cultural knowledge, grass-roots work experience and strong sense of social responsibility; Carry forward the spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", and promote the comprehensive development of economy and society.  

2、 Work content
Since 2003, the plan of college students' voluntary service in the west has been to recruit a certain number of fresh graduates from ordinary colleges and universities (hereinafter referred to as "colleges and universities") every year to work in education, health, agricultural technology Volunteer service in poverty alleviation and youth center construction and management. Volunteers are encouraged to take root at the grass-roots level, or choose their own jobs and mobile employment after their service expires.  

3、 Policy support
In addition to enjoying the preferential employment policies for college graduates as stipulated by the state, volunteers participating in the Western Plan for College Student Volunteer Service will be given the following policy support:
  1。 During the service period, they can enjoy certain living allowance (including transportation allowance, personal accident injury and hospitalization medical insurance).  
  2。 During the service period, the length of service shall be calculated, and the relationship between the Party and the League shall be transferred to the service unit. If I require my account and archives to be kept in the school, they shall be kept for two years according to the regulations. During this period, the archives management agency will exempt the service fees for keeping their archives; If I request to transfer my residence back to the place where I registered as a student, the public security organ shall handle the registration formalities for him according to the regulations, the talent exchange institutions affiliated to the personnel and education departments shall be responsible for handling the relevant formalities, and the talent exchange service institutions affiliated to the personnel departments shall provide personnel agency services free of charge. After the service period expires and the work unit is assigned, the public security organ shall go through the formalities of household registration transfer according to relevant regulations.  
  3。 During the service period, he can take part-time or full-time positions as the deputy secretary of the township Youth League Committee, the management position of the school and other service units.  
  4。 Those who have passed the examination after the service period will be given extra points. Under the same conditions, priority will be given to admission. The specific provisions will be clearly defined in the graduate enrollment policy of that year.  
  5。 Those who have passed the examination and applied for the civil service of the party and government organs after the service period may be given appropriate points. Under the same conditions, they shall be employed preferentially. The specific provisions shall be specified by the provincial civil service examination and employment authority in the recruitment of that year.  
  6。 At the end of the service period, the volunteers shall be identified and stored in their own files; Those who pass the examination will be issued with certificates as proof of their volunteer service experience, employment and entrepreneurship.  
  7。 The service unit shall provide the volunteers with necessary living conditions such as accommodation; Priority shall be given to the recruitment of volunteers when recruiting civil servants of Party and government organs and professional technicians and managers of newly added state-owned enterprises and institutions.  
  8。 The bronze medal of the Chinese Youth Volunteer Service will be awarded to those who have served for one year and passed the assessment after the service period. Those who have served for two years and passed the assessment upon expiration of their service will be awarded the Silver Medal of China Youth Volunteer Service, those who have performed well will be awarded the Gold Medal of China Youth Volunteer Service, and those who have performed particularly well will be recommended to participate in the May 4th Medal of China Youth, the Top Ten Outstanding Young People in China, the Top Ten Outstanding Young Volunteers in China, and the International Youth Poverty Eradication Award.  
Universities and all sectors of society are encouraged to provide help and support to college graduates in their work, life, study, employment and entrepreneurship.  

4、 Organization
  1。 The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Education jointly set up a leading group and a project management office for the Western Plan of National College Student Volunteer Service, which are responsible for the overall planning, coordination and guidance of this work.  
  2。 All provincial, district, and municipal Youth League committees and education departments (education commissions) should jointly establish provincial, district, and municipal leading groups and project management offices to coordinate and organize this work in their own provinces; The provincial project management office shall also be responsible for the training of volunteers and the coordination and guidance of the work of the county project management office.  
  3。 All colleges and universities should strengthen leadership. The Youth League Committee of colleges and universities and the Graduate Employment Guidance Center should jointly establish a school project management office, which is mainly responsible for the specific work of volunteer recruitment. College graduates who participate in this plan can be included in the statistics of the employment rate of the school in that year.  
  4。 Each service county shall set up a county leading group, and the county Youth League Committee, the Education Bureau and relevant departments shall jointly set up a county project management office, which is mainly responsible for coordinating and guiding the work of service units and daily management of volunteers. The service unit is responsible for the implementation of work posts, the provision of free accommodation and other related guarantees, and the business management of volunteer work.  
Project management offices at all levels are located in the Youth League and are specifically responsible for daily work.  

5、 Job requirements
Youth League organizations and education departments at all levels should closely cooperate with each other, form a joint force, carefully organize and implement, and solidly promote this work in the way of project operation. Financial and personnel departments at all levels should give active support.  
  1。 Strengthen leadership. Strengthen the construction of project leadership organization and project management mechanism, clarify responsibilities, support each other, strengthen communication and close cooperation, and ensure the smooth implementation of the plan.  
  2。 Mobilize extensively. It is necessary to sing the strong voice of the times of "going to the west", inspire and mobilize college graduates to consciously choose to go to the grass-roots level, train themselves in difficult environments, closely integrate with the people, and devote their youth to the motherland with the lofty ideal of serving the motherland and serving the people.  
  3。 Select as needed. On the basis of open recruitment and voluntary registration to the whole country, and according to the needs of the poor areas in the west, graduates with excellent ideas, excellent character and learning, and strong dedication should be selected to participate in this program. In particular, western universities and graduates of agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, medicine, and teacher training should be encouraged to participate, The graduates whose registered permanent residence is in the western region before entering school shall be selected preferentially.  
  4。 Provide good service. Arrange service posts for volunteers and provide necessary working and living conditions; Actively coordinate with relevant departments and units, implement relevant security policies, and strive to create favorable conditions for entering schools, employment and entrepreneurship after the expiration of volunteer service.  
  5。 Strict management. All service areas and service units should take responsibility, strengthen volunteer training and daily management, care about the life and safety of college student volunteers, and ensure that this plan is implemented in a standardized and orderly manner. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the management of project funds, strictly use the funds for specific purposes, and improve the efficiency of fund use.  
Provinces, districts and cities where conditions permit can implement local projects and incorporate them into the commendation scope of national projects. Volunteers enjoy the same policy treatment.  

Central Committee of the Communist Youth League
ministry of education
treasury department
Ministry of Personnel
June 8, 2003

>Extended Reading