A compilation of answers to some hot issues in the 2016 Western Plan


2016-06-01 10:04:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong

Q: The historical background of the Western Plan Project of College Student Volunteer Service and the recruitment situation this year?

Answer: The Western Plan of College Students' Volunteer Service (referred to as the Western Plan) is a major talent project jointly organized and implemented by the Communist Youth League Central Committee, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, which was decided at the executive meeting of the State Council in 2003. It is also the first project in China to encourage and guide college graduates to work at the grass-roots level. Over the past 13 years, the Western Plan has sent more than 200000 outstanding college students to 22 provinces (districts, cities) in the central and western regions and more than 2100 counties of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps to carry out 1-3 years of voluntary services around education, health, agricultural technology, poverty alleviation, etc. At present, the Western Plan Project has become a good carrier and platform for contemporary college students to organically combine the youth dream with the Chinese dream, and to organically combine their personal destiny with the destiny of the people and the country. It has also become a major strategy for the Communist Youth League to serve the country, to undertake the transfer of government functions, to promote the normal and efficient development of voluntary services, and to cultivate "understanding national conditions, emphasizing dedication, and high-quality" The national project, demonstration project and boutique project of the compound young talent team.

Since the launch of the 2016 Western Plan recruitment work on April 25, graduates and graduate students in colleges and universities across the country have actively participated in and signed up. As of May 31, the number of applicants has reached 67200 in total. "Go to the west, go to the grassroots, go to the place where the motherland and people need most" has become the strongest voice of the times and the firm youth choice of contemporary college students.

Q: Which provinces will be served by the national projects of the 2016 Western Plan? What is the registration deadline? How to fill in the application form?

Answer: In 2016, the western regions plan to serve 22 provinces (regions and cities) including Sichuan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Tibet, Guizhou, Chongqing, Shaanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Ningxia, Yunnan, Qinghai, Hebei, Hunan, Hainan, Hubei, Heilongjiang, Jiangxi, Henan, Shanxi, Anhui, Jilin, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

The online application time of students is up to June 10 this year. In principle, when filling in the application form, students can choose to report to any service province in the country to participate in the service, and can choose up to three service provinces (the first volunteer is the counterpart service province where the university is located) through the Western Plan Information System according to their own wishes, and at the same time, they can voluntarily choose whether to "obey the adjustment".

Q: Who will be recruited in the 2016 Western Plan?

Answer: The 2016 Western Plan is mainly aimed at fresh graduates or graduate students from colleges and universities listed in the National List of Ordinary Colleges and Universities released by the Ministry of Education in 2015. For fresh graduates of colleges and universities not included in the list, current students, former students, graduates of military colleges and universities, and graduates studying abroad are temporarily excluded from the recruitment scope.

Q: What are the basic conditions for applying for the Western Plan?

Answer: Volunteers of the Western Plan should obtain a graduation certificate or degree certificate before they arrive at their posts. After passing the physical examination of the Western Plan (organized by the Youth League Committee of each university), those with volunteer service experience, students from the western region, and student cadres who have served as League and academic organizations at all levels are preferred.

Q: Can volunteers choose their own service posts?

Answer: During the registration period, the Recruitment Provincial Project Office will negotiate with the relevant service provinces to determine the specific number of recruits and job types according to the registration of the university project offices under its jurisdiction. At the same time, the service province will allocate service posts to the recruitment province through the western planning management system, and the recruitment province will eventually carry out the job matching work according to the actual situation of the province. During the registration period, volunteers only need to determine the intention of the service province and the type of special service. Among them, the types of special projects mainly include seven special projects: basic education, agricultural science and technology, medical and health care, youth work at the grass-roots level, social management at the grass-roots level, serving Xinjiang, and serving Tibet. The specific service posts will be coordinated and allocated by the local project offices according to the volunteers' reported intentions and their professional expertise after the volunteers arrive at the service place.

Q: How long is the service period of the Western Plan?

Answer: The volunteer service period of the Western Plan has certain flexibility. The service period is 1-3 years, and the service agreement is signed once a year. Volunteers can apply for extension of service to the project office of the service county in March of the next year after the service period of that year expires. Among them, those who apply for college graduates' tuition fees and national student loan compensation need to sign a service agreement with a service period of three years at a time.

Q: Do I have the opportunity to participate in Xinjiang and Tibet special events?

A: In order to implement the decision and deployment of the central government for Xinjiang and Tibet assistance, and in accordance with the important directive of the Secretariat of the Communist Youth League Central Committee on deepening college students' volunteer service in the western region and increasing the intensity of sending volunteers for the western region plan to ethnic minority areas, in 2016, we will continue to promote the special project of serving Xinjiang and Tibet, and maintain the implementation scale of 10000 people in ethnic minority areas, Recruit and select new graduates and graduate students who meet certain conditions from ordinary colleges and universities to work in Xinjiang and Tibet for 1-3 years as volunteers. All new graduates or graduate students who meet the application conditions can apply for services in Xinjiang and Tibet.

Do you still have the status of a volunteer as a fresh graduate? How to solve the employment problem after the service expires?

Answer: For volunteers who have served for two years after the expiration of their service period, as long as their household registration and files have not been moved out of the graduate school, they can enjoy the policies of employment, entrepreneurship and settlement of new graduates once.

In addition, considering that all college students participating in the Western Plan are volunteers, the sponsor does not promise employment security after the expiration of volunteer service, and encourages volunteers to take root at the grass-roots level or choose their own jobs and find mobile employment after the expiration of service. However, we will strive to provide employment services and help for the volunteers who have completed their service in the Western Plan.

Q: I want to know how the volunteers of the Western Plan are treated?

Answer: In order to further improve the volunteer support of the Western Plan, the implementation mode of the Western Plan has been officially adjusted since January 1, 2016. The project funds were transferred from the original central burden to the shared responsibility of the central and local finance. At present, the central government allocates 25000 yuan per person per year in the western region and 18000 yuan per person per year in the central region to provincial financial departments through the general transfer payment system. Local finance at all levels will match the funds according to the actual situation, and then use the remaining part of social security for volunteers as living subsidies. In principle, the subsidies received after the purchase of social security cannot be less than the original, and the specific subsidy standards will be formulated by the service provinces.

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