The life choice of a graduate student


2014-01-21 09:57:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanbing

   China Youth Online Ren Xiaoze, a post-80s graduate student of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, received social education and improved his spiritual thinking after a year of poverty alleviation practice in Tibet. After graduation, he took the initiative to go to Tibet again and became a grass-roots village official with practical feet and roots in the snow. Ren Xiaoze's choice of life is a typical example of contemporary young students who strive to become talents needed for national construction by learning from practice and the people, and encourage more young students to go to the grass-roots level to hone their style and grow and progress through dedication.

In 2009, when participating in rehearsals for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the National Day

   Teaching in Tibet: a deep relationship

In August 2007, Ren Xiaoze, an undergraduate majoring in business administration from the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, became a member of the 9th Tsinghua University Graduate Education Support League with the number one credit score. Due to his good physical quality, he was assigned to the Department of Finance and Economics of Tibet Vocational and Technical College (hereinafter referred to as Tibet Vocational and Technical College) located in the northern suburbs of Lhasa to support education and poverty alleviation. In just one year, Ren Xiaoze has enriched his experience, honed his will, and increased his talent in the practice of supporting education and poverty alleviation, and also forged deep friendship with local cadres and masses.

One morning at the end of the first semester, Luo Songciren, a Tibetan student, ran into the teacher's office crying to quit school. Ren Xiaoze repeatedly inquired and found out that the father of the student who was excellent in character and learning had died in his early years, and his mother was ill in bed without care. In order to solve the problem of life at home, he worked and ran for transportation during the holiday, but was severely beaten because of fatigue, I want to quit school when I feel depressed. Ren Xiaoze was greatly touched by this incident: "I deeply realize that the backward situation in the western hard areas needs to be changed, and I am determined to use my efforts to give my students a little help during this year's volunteer teaching time."

Photos of classes in Tibet Vocational and Technical College from 2007 to 2008

The Tibetan Vocational College was established in 2006, and everything is in the initial construction stage. Ren Xiaoze, who first arrived in Tibet, is therefore enriched and nervous. He brought Tsinghua's experience here, actively carried out student activities such as "learning from the 17th National Congress, welcoming the Olympic Games, and knowledge contests", and also guided the "First Student Congress of the Department of Finance and Economics", as well as the subsequent "Student Congress" and "Youth League Congress", initially establishing a student self-management system.

On March 14, 2008, a violent crime of beating, smashing, robbing and burning occurred in Lhasa, which shocked China and foreign countries. Ren Xiaoze ensured that students would not go out at will or participate blindly, and timely guided student associations to carry out various forms of educational activities with the theme of "exposing and criticizing the Dalai Lama and opposing separatism", leading students to actively fight against separatist forces ideologically, He gave full play to the role of the league and academic organizations as a basic fighting fortress, and later joined the Party in Tibet with honor.

The tense and busy volunteer work almost occupied all his time, but once the words of Ah Qi, the president of Tibetan Vocational College, made him fall into thinking. Ah Qi said to the students of the Tsinghua branch teaching group, "I was wondering how I could keep you here and make contributions to the construction of Tibet, because the development here needs you too much!" Although it was a short sentence, it touched Ren Xiaoze's heartstrings: if everyone comes and goes in a hurry with the mentality of "leaving sooner or later", will Tibet always need to support teaching? "In Tibet, you will feel that there are too many things to do. One year, two years, five years and ten years may not be enough."

Photos of winning the 11th Asian Rowing Championships on behalf of China in 2005

At the farewell banquet before the end of the volunteer education, Raba, the head of the Department of Finance and Economics, put his hands around Ren Xiaoze's face, forehead to forehead, Murmured his thanks for what he had done "This is the highest etiquette of our Tibetans. Thank you very much. You have done so much for our Department of Finance and Economics. It is a get-together and a student congress. The student work of our Department is the best in the whole college. I see it in my eyes. You have done more work than many of our formal teachers. Thank you very much. Don't forget me when you go back We should keep in touch and come back to see us when we have the opportunity. " Ren Xiaoze excitedly said, "I didn't do anything, but I just moved all the experience from Tsinghua University. You are my leader this year, but you will always be my friend in the future. I will never forget the year when I taught in Tibet Vocational College.". This highest Tibetan etiquette made Ren Xiaoze burst into tears on the spot. Recalling this experience, he said with emotion: "Tibetan compatriots are very cheerful and enthusiastic. If you treat him well, he will treat you very well. One year of volunteer teaching has made me deeply feel the simplicity and kindness of Tibetan compatriots in this land, and has gradually inspired me to continue to serve this land and the community. The moment I left, looking at the white Hada on my chest, I said to myself silently: Tibet, I will come back again. "

The group photo of my best Tibetan teacher, Ge Yang, under the Potala Palace

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