Zeng Tingting: Feeling for the West


2013-04-09 11:48:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Shangyang

Zeng Tingting, female, born in 1986, a member of the Communist Party of China, has a college degree. From August 2009 to August 2012, he served as a volunteer for college students to volunteer for the Western Plan, and is now a clinician in gynecology and obstetrics at Renyi Town Health Center, Babu District, Hezhou City, Guangxi Province.
As an ordinary medical support worker of Renyi Health Center, she came to Renyi Town to participate in medical support work in August 2009. In the three years of voluntary service, we have always performed the true meaning of youth in accordance with the responsibilities of a doctor and the requirements of the Party members. Based on the most basic medical and health posts in rural areas, we have silently dedicated everything, guarded the health of local farmers, eliminated diseases and difficulties for patients, and won the trust and praise of cadres, workers and the masses.
We are determined to promote rural health. When I first came to Renyi Health Center, the facilities in the hospital were simple. All the clinicians, nurses, medicaments, epidemic prevention, and women and children added up to only 30 people. Young doctors were even fewer. The hospital is on duty 24 hours a day. There are basically no holidays for medical staff. When there are many patients, doctors and nurses have to work together. The conditions of the hospital are also very simple. The outpatient room, injection room and inpatient ward are narrow, and the environmental conditions are poor. There are only simple tables, chairs, benches and beds... Seeing the difficult conditions here, she more truly realizes her value and significance. I come here not only to help diagnose and treat several patients and perform several operations, but also to really help those who need help with my skills, to love and work hard, to work tirelessly in ordinary posts, to devote youth and to serve the people.
Keep pace with the times and strive to improve the medical level. During her four years of work in Renyi, she has successively engaged in clinical work in pediatrics and gynecology and obstetrics. She has received about 2500 patients, received more than 500 inpatients, participated in more than 50 rescue work for critical patients, and completed multiple pleural puncture operations. After several years of clinical practice, she is now able to skillfully diagnose and treat common and frequently occurring diseases in pediatrics, such as: pulmonary diseases: pediatric tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis emphysema, bronchial asthma, chronic pulmonary heart disease, etc; Digestive system diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding, infantile enteritis, bacterial dysentery, etc; Urinary system diseases: nephritis, urinary tract infection, urinary stones, etc. Others, such as organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, Meniere's disease, lumbar spondylosis, sequelae of cerebral infarction, hypertension, can also be treated accordingly. He also gained a lot in surgery, and was able to deal with trauma patients independently, performing debridement, suture and dressing change; Served as a helper in some minor surgical operations (cyst resection, appendicitis surgery, etc.). He can skillfully diagnose and treat obstetric hemorrhagic shock, infectious shock, amniotic fluid embolism and other obstetric complications and complications, skillfully diagnose and treat various gynecological emergencies and severe cases, and independently perform obstetric single birth delivery and various gynecological family planning operations. In order to promote the development of medical and health services in Renyi rural areas, she has participated in 40 volunteer activities such as rural medical knowledge lectures and AIDS prevention knowledge publicity, and more than 21000 educated people have made positive contributions to rural medical and health services.
Love the countryside and care about the sufferings of the masses. In her work, she deeply realized the significance of being a medical volunteer. Because our country has a large population, the medical conditions in many places are still very backward, which is the significance of the existence of volunteers. The motherland wants to develop the west and improve the medical conditions here, which requires more talents to complete this historical mission. The time of supporting doctors was extended year after year, and then she decided to stay in the west for a long time and become an ordinary grass-roots doctor. Because she has feelings for benevolence and righteousness, for the masses here, and for the land.
Be strict with yourself and serve the people wholeheartedly. In terms of ideology, she actively asked for progress. Since August 2009, she submitted an application for joining the party to the unit party branch, actively moved closer to the party organization, became a probationary party member in May 2010, and became a full member of the Communist Party of China in May 2011. In her work, based on the service tenet of "taking the patient as the center, doing everything for the patient, doing everything for the patient, doing everything for the patient", she carried out medical services with diligence, dedication, enthusiasm and love to create her own shining youth. Even after working here for four years and encountering many hardships in her life, she still has no regrets about her choice. "As a doctor, taking root at the grass-roots level is also wonderful. Now that the country implements the new medical reform, the prospect of township hospitals will be better," she said.
Due to her outstanding performance, she was successively rated as "Excellent Volunteer of Guangxi Western Plan" in 2009-2010, "Excellent Volunteer of Hubei University Student Volunteer Service Western Plan" in 2010-2011, "Excellent Youth Volunteer of Hezhou City in 2010 and" Excellent Youth Volunteer of Babu District of Hezhou City "in 2011. In December 2012, he was awarded the honorary title of "Civilized Citizen Pacesetter" on the 10th anniversary of the founding of Hezhou City, and delivered a speech at the summary meeting of the 10th anniversary of the founding of Hezhou City as a citizen representative of Hezhou City.

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